Has anyone used the 5th and 6th channels of PT2262?

PT2262 encoder datasheet mentiones that 2 of the address pins are also data-in pins (D4 and D5) but it seems like DOUT of PT2262 gives out a signal when one of the D0-D3 pins is high but nothing when D4 or D5 is high.

All the tutorials on the internet are about making 4 channel remotes, never seen a 6 button one. But I don't understand because the datasheet doesn't mention about a configuration or something like that. And the corresponding decoder PT2272 has 6 channel variations.

Anyone with any information?

What does that mean?

Post a wiring diagram (hand drawn is fine). Did you notice the "6-data circuit" in the data sheet?

All of the address and data bits should appear within the actual transmission bit stream.

Here is the diagram I've drawn before building the circuit.

Sorry for the missing labels. All the pull down resistors are 10k. I checked the PIN17 of PT2262 with the "sound card oscillator" and I can see that when I press one of the 4 buttons on the right, it outputs a signal. If I press one of the 2 buttons on the left, the PIN17 doesn't do anything.

I also checked PIN7 and PIN8 with a multimeter and I can confirm that button presses change the voltage between 0V and 5V.

I also checked the 6-data circuit and even considered PT2262-IRS is different than normal PT2262 while I was going crazy but it also doesn't make any sense looking at the rest of the datasheet.

I also tried replacing PT2262.

What is the extra switch and battery supposed to do? I suggest to try the 6-switch circuit shown in the PT2262 data sheet.

If I press one of the 2 buttons on the left, the PIN17 doesn't do anything.

Seems like there is some fault in the wiring.

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