PT2262 encoder datasheet mentiones that 2 of the address pins are also data-in pins (D4 and D5) but it seems like DOUT of PT2262 gives out a signal when one of the D0-D3 pins is high but nothing when D4 or D5 is high.
All the tutorials on the internet are about making 4 channel remotes, never seen a 6 button one. But I don't understand because the datasheet doesn't mention about a configuration or something like that. And the corresponding decoder PT2272 has 6 channel variations.
Sorry for the missing labels. All the pull down resistors are 10k. I checked the PIN17 of PT2262 with the "sound card oscillator" and I can see that when I press one of the 4 buttons on the right, it outputs a signal. If I press one of the 2 buttons on the left, the PIN17 doesn't do anything.
I also checked PIN7 and PIN8 with a multimeter and I can confirm that button presses change the voltage between 0V and 5V.
I also checked the 6-data circuit and even considered PT2262-IRS is different than normal PT2262 while I was going crazy but it also doesn't make any sense looking at the rest of the datasheet.