Hi All,
First time poster here. I'm an applied statistician, primarily interested in arduino for data collection (sensors -> arduino -> server -> database), and secondarily to learn more about microcontrollers/sensors. Most of my projects are data capture (get data, send it somewhere). One of the projects is an extension (for my garden- if soil is dry, then water, wait 12 hours, repeat)
I did some research in undergrad using matlab and a breadboard, so I know some basics; worked as a software engineer, so I can set up dev environments, have experience with systems administration. Hope to use python scripts on my server to capture data from the arduino.
Goals: Get Projects 1 and 2 working (and start project 2 in a way that it would support the extensions)
Project 1: "Easy" Project- data capture and storage.
Motivation: I'm working on spatiotemporal models of temperature, and I want to collect high spatial resolution temperature data (will go on my bike for my 25 mile commute to work and on the car roof)
Hardware idea: arduino + temperature probe + gps + sd card + battery + LCD + enclosure.
Software: read temp, lat/long, time, write to sdcard.
I read several forum postings, tutorial articles, etc and believe that having a DS18S20 temperature sensor on an arduino should work (but I don't know how to put a lead of an arbitrary length on it). That seems like the place I'll start (arduino + temperature). Haven't played with the SDK, but assume that it's pretty easy to do (I have little experience with assembly, but looks like I don't need to know too much?). Here are some initial questions:
- What's the difference between an arduino and a freeduino?
- How do I count I/O needs?
- Which arduino model(s) would I want to buy?
- What would you recommend for a hardware starter kit for these 2 projects (maybe I want a total of 3-5 arduinos at the end of the day?) Thinking an LCD, some temp sensors, light sensor, maybe sd card shield, maybe wifi unit (shield?), a gps, ... (no idea what accessories I need to connect the sensors to arduinos) Opinions on online stores?
- what is a good way to enclose the arduino in a weather proof container? (tupperware with dessicant inside?)
Project 2: Collecting garden data
I want to measure temperature at 3 locations (above ground, 5 cm below ground, 10 cm below ground), light level, humidity if possible (saw something about an SHT-15), and soil moisture (really want to know the resistance of the soil, I have some home made sensors). I want this to sit in a remote location (my garden), and I don't mind storing data on an SD card, but would prefer to setup a wireless link to an atom server about 100' away. I assume battery power is the best option. The software side is "simple": read input from sensors, transmit, wait 30 min, repeat.
So the questions here are:
- what is a good way of putting leads of various lengths on to the temperature sensors to get the sensor to 5 or 10 cm deep?
- suppose I just want to read and transmit voltage from a circuit (eg I provide thermocouple wire, or I connect it to homemade moisture sensor or to homemade anenometer). (please correct my abuses of electrical terms- like voltage and circuit if I misuse them) Hopefully once I crack open the SDK this will become obvious.
- what is a good way to enclose the arduino in a weather proof container? (tupperware with dessicant inside?)
- is wireless ready for primetime? I want to focus on the data analysis, not on arduino troubleshooting. (I prefer 802.11, but might be able to work with bluetooth?) I saw some units on sparkfun for $70-90 each... seems pricey.
Project 2 (extension 1)
I have some old weather station parts (anenometer specifically). I can calibrate it on the server side if I can figure out how to connect it to the arduino. I don't think it uses any power but that it generates current, creating voltage as it turns? It's cable to the old weather station looks like a phone line.
Project 2 (future extension)
Ideally I would like to automate my garden watering. I was motivated by this post
(not allowed to use links on first posts)
Basically the software side would be: at 6am, read moisture levels; If in range 1, turn on water for k units of time, if in range 2, turn on water for k+1 units of time, etc; (would use weather forecasts in the future...)
- Any idea what hardware I would use? I'm assuming some kind of servo/solenoid something? (No idea where to look to find that kind of thing)
- Or, is there hardware (diy) to turn a 120v outlet on/off?
- Suppose I had all that working and still had free time. Could somebody point me to a way to transmit to the arduino? (say an integer between 1 and 10). In the networking world, it would be nice to have the arduino query a webserver on my atom server (or any server, or just know to 'listen' every k hours)
Please let me know if you think that another platform would be better suited to either of these projects, but from what I've read, it seems like arduino is the perfect solution- small, low power, flexible, inexpensive, open source, etc.
Thanks in advance for all comments. I can blog about the process in detail as a way of saying thanks.