Hay , I need help with Programming

Hay I need help with the programming of the game, simon says, can someone help me? I already have the finished board of components , i only need the code

Yes, many on the forum will help you, for free.

There are some who will do the programming for you.

Which are you looking for?

You mean "Simon"?

Use the google machine. I remember more than one Simon says project...

i have this build but i arent able yet to programm it
these are the steps i want to add
The LCD display first shows 'Get ready...'.
Then the LEDs light up in the order of Red, Orange, Yellow, and Blue, each for 2 seconds.
After that, the display shows 'Choose wisely'.
The player then must press the corresponding buttons in the correct order.
With a correct entry, a beep sounds and the display shows 'Won'.
With an incorrect entry, a different beep sounds and the display shows 'Lost'.

Start simple and build up. First write a program that blinks the three leds. Then write a program that just lights up the leds when you press the corresponding buttons. Next write a program that does nothing about buttons or leds but simply writes "Hello World" to the display.

At that point you'll know the hardware works and will hopefully have learned some of the basics of how to program around these things and you'll be ready to move on to the next step.

If you would like to have someone just give you a ready made example that you can load and play with, then please search the internet. There are hundreds of examples of the Simon game out there. You can copy any one of them that matches with your hardware.

So, get busy writing the program and people here will help you. Nobody is going to hand you a completed code to your specifications ... at least not for free. You need to put in the effort and do your own work.

The results of Googling the two words: Arduino Simon

Start from there.

Adapt to your hardware.

Learn in the process.

Even though the diagram is quite simple, make it easier for others to help.

Draw it out as a proper schematic diagram so the connections and flow are more visible & obvious. That helps ensure the circuit is valid, and informs the developer how the code needs to work in the physical world.

Power rails top and bottom, inputs on the left, outputs on the right —with annotations to explain or describe anything that’s not self evident.

You can use all of the analog inputs as regular digital pins. This would probably be a lot easier if you did that and used individual pins for each button. The resistor ladder approach you have now will work, but it does add an extra layer of complexity to your code.

can someone explain to me how to connet the buttons , they are wrong i guess, i coded const int buttonPins[] = {A0, A1, A2, A3}; for the button Pins but they dont seem to be working at all like this

That's not enough. You also need some pinMode calls in setup and you need some digitalRead wherever you want to read the button state.

Post your code. If you don't post code with a question like this then you are just wasting time.

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