HC-05 in AT mode, not responding to commands


I purchased an HC-05 bluetooth module a few days ago and have had a hell of a time configuring the little guy. I can successfully enter AT mode by clamping down the PIN 34 button and giving it power, but it refuses to listen to my commands.

I have an arduino nano and an FT232RL USB TTL serial board. I've connected the HC-05 directly to the serial board with no success and I've run it through the arduino, using five or six different Arduino sketches (including this one: http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-with-hc-05-bluetooth-module-at-mode/). I've never once been able to get a response from the module.

I've tried 9600 baud, 34800, and pretty much everything else.

Is it possible I either have a defective unit, or that I inadvertently fried it? I don't think I've fried it as the status LED is blinking and does indicate AT mode when I following the correct procedure.


Any thoughts?