Hello i write the DS18B20 code in the arduino but the temperature code false percentage in the exell . please help me

hello i write the DS18B20 code in the arduino but the temperature code false percentage in the exell because this DS18B20 sensor wrong 0.5 gradus but one sensor wrong 1 gradus and there have a three sensor. Also two sensor correct working but there have a correct code but i can't find. And i don't know how to write correct code in arduino and i write the DS18B20 this sensor code in arduino and i write the "round" and exell show the correct percentage but i dont write the "round" exell percentage show the percentage example 26,12 and grafik dont show . How i write the code only one sensor little bit wrong working and exell show uncorrect percentage.


How accurate do you think those devices are. I would expect +- 20%, if very good, then +-10%. If you pay much more then maybe +-5%.

Per the data sheet: The DS18B20 is a programmable resolution 1-wire digital thermometer that measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C with ±0.5°C accuracy. That needs certain parameters to achieve this. You can get those parameters from the data sheet. If these are waterproof put them in an ice bath, let them set for a few moments then power them one by one and take a reading. Then let them stabilize for about 10 minutes and take another reading. Assuming 12Bits they should be within 1 degree Celsius.You can also place a calibrated thermometer in the bath and compare to that. Repeat the process with gently boiling water.

Without an annotated schematic showing how you wired this I can only take a guess and say they are not being loaded the same causing internal heating differences between probes.

The DS18B20 is far more accurate than implied in post #3.
Your main problem is probably just language. Google translate will probably do a lot better than this rubbish.
Post your code.
Post a wiring diagram.

محمود ، من فضلك ، استخدم TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM لنقل رسالتك. شكرا.

Mahmud, Please, use TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM to convey your message. Thank you.