

I just tought I'd say hello... My Arduino board arrived over the weekend and I'm looking forward to starting to play!

It's been a good 10 years since I even touched a soldering iron so I'm looking forward to getting back to prototyping some things.

The forum seems to be a friendly place, I'm sure I'll have some dumb questions along the way so be gentle :wink:


Edit: Spelling mistake!

It's been a good 10 years since I even touched a soldering iron so I'm looking forward to getting back to prototyping some things.

I've been in the same situation quite recently. This is usually the time where you discover leadless solder is evil :smiley:

Welcome, anyway ^^

The main problem is my eyes are a lot worse than all those years ago! I think I'll have to get one of those magnifiers...


Yes on both points.
You don't have to use lead less solder it's only if you plan to sell stuff in Europe. The same goes for the anti fuming flux sutff.

Yes a head mounting magnifier is now essential before I can do any soldering. I even have to use it for some schematics.
These can be expensive from electronics suppliers £30 - £80 but at the Harrogate model engineering show I could have picked up several for less than £5.00.

This is a picture of me at work with my head mounted visor.
For the record the board is an 11 layer PCB.

Head mounted... now you're talking! I just bought some of the helping hands with a small magnifier but I'll have to keep an eye out for the head mounted ones!