I am running a project with my class where they build a sound reactive led strip. I built a prototype that worked great but I purchased a different microphone for the students and it does not work.
My working model uses the blue three pin mic but my students have the red four pin mic(it has A0 and D0 output).
The blue mic is model FC-04 and the red mic is FE-01.
Yes, I am a beginner but I'm trying.
We need a manufacturer's part number or a link to the specs.
I would assume the A0 output is analog and the D0 output might go high when sound is above a preset threshold. If it's a high/low above/below threshold, there should be an adjustment pot on the board. ...But we could guess all day.
The A0 output may be closest to what you had before. But what did you have before? Was it the raw microphone output or did it go through a voltage follower?
You should know this as you wrote the sketch, so what input were you expecting?
Imagine a student comes to your office, asking for help to troubleshoot their project. But they forgot the hardware... it's sitting back on the counter in their dorm room. So is their laptop, so you can't see their code. But they can tell you it's somehow to related to using a different sensor that's another color and has an extra pin. They forgot to bring that too, so you have no idea which part is really is.
If the boards have the same chip I believe that A0 in red board has the same output of OUT in blue board.
Red board was thought to work as a clap sensor or high sound sensor, not as mic, so the sensibility is poor.
I would assume the A0 output is analog and the D0 output might go high when sound is above a preset threshold. If it's a high/low above/below threshold, there should be an adjustment pot on the board. ...But we could guess all day.
Except many of the things that look like the blue thing seem to be sound detectors and the single output is digital, sound/no sound. If that's the case then the D0 output is more likely to be the same provided the threshold is adjusted similarly.
Connect the "good board" and run the Analog Read Serial Example to see what kind of readings you're getting.
Connect A0 from the "bad board" and run again to compare. You can also try D0 into the Arduino analog input to see what's happening.
That's a multi-turn pot on the red board, so turn it 10-15 rotations fully-clockwise and then fully anti-clockwise to check/adjust the range. Fully-clockwise is probably maximum sensitivity but we can't be sure. (You can usually hear a quiet clicking when you reach the limit. There is usually no hard-stop.)
The blue mic is model FC-04 and the red mic is FE-01.
I couldn't find the actual manufacturer's datasheets. I recommend you buy from reliable suppliers that give you complete manufacturer's part numbers and complete specs, or links to the complete specs. For example, [u]SparkFun[/u] gives you a schematic, specs for the microphone and specs for the chip, a hook-up guide, and some sample code.