I want to connect Arduino Nano with L293D Motor Driver Shield to drive 4 DC motors at different speed for each motor.
While seeing the pins in L293D Motor Driver Shield, i could not identify the Enable pin, the IN1 and IN2 Pins. I understand it is easy to use the L293D with UNO. As i have space constraint, i want to use the Arduino Nano.
Please help to connect Arduino Nano with L293D Motor Driver Shield to drive 4 DC motors at different speed for each motor
Thanks for the input. Here I am getting the information of How the PWM pin connection required for 4 motors. However, I am still unclear about the IN1 and IN2 pin connections from Arduino to Motor Driver for the 4 Motors.
The chip in the middle of the board is a 74HC595 which is an 8 bit shift register. it lets you drive the 2 IN pins for each motor (4 motors = 8 IN pins - hence the 8 bit shift register)
To control the DC motors, use:
Pin 11 for the motor port M1
Pin 3 for the motor port M2
Pin 5 for the motor port M3
Pin 6 for the motor port M4
Then you need to use Pins 4 (clock), 7 (enable), 8 (data input), and 12 (latch) to control the shift register
if you are not familiar with shift register, you can read this post