Hi Everyone,
I hope you don't mind me asking this here but I bought a Wemos Mega R3 with a built-in ESP8266 and was hoping to get some guidance on how to set it up. I know it's not a genuine Arduino product and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to ask questions about it here.
I got this chip because it was the best way to keep my project neat and save pin space on the mega. I'm building a wifi controlled robot with 2 motors and 3 servos. The motors are both controlled by an L298n. As I'm new to Arduino, I've been building my robot in stages while I learn how to add the different components. I've got a good understanding of servos and L298n but lack skill and understanding of ESP's.
The issue I'm currently facing is that this mega has the ESP built in. According to the chip's specs, both the ESP and Mega are individual components that simply share the same board in a manner of speaking. The benefit here is that not only does it save space but it doesn't require any additional wiring to hook them together. I still need to program the ESP and the Mega separately but once that is done, I'll be able to run them together.
I have been looking at different guides and videos that explain how to do this but I'm finding them rather difficult to understand. I know this might seem like a trivial question but what is the basic code that I need to get the ESP to work with the Mega? If I can get the ESP working as the wifi bridge for the mega, I'll be able to figure out the rest from there.
Here are the links for the chip's specs
Thanks in advance!