Help regarding IR sensor VS1838b

Has anyone had experience regarding IR sensor VS1838b ? The problem is, the sensor is embedded on a board and i have to use specifically this sensor to detect the beam breakage.
Now, the main problem is that the data sheet is in chiense (VS1838B datasheet pdf, VS1838B data sheet, VS1838B, VS1838B.pdf, VS1838B pdf, VS1838B stock, VS1838B circuit, VS1838B datenblatt, block diagram, schematic, and it can't be translated. Nevertheless, the approach i used was to generate a 38Khz signal and 600us signal on two different pins and then use a transistor to modulate the signal in order to generate a burst of 38khz for 600us. This thing is achieved successfully. But the IR sensor is unreponsive as it only shows high state.
Can someone guide me, if he/she has used this sensor before.

Are you sure that your IR LED is operating? Can you use a phone camera to see if it illuminates? Can you show the circuit? It seems complex to use two pins to send the pulses when you could use micros() to time the 600uS burst of 38KHz.