Ordered a relay from Aliexpress (of course zero documentation) Its made by ARYAR Model HL-OR1-8L-HC.... I ordered a 6 channel and they shipped me an 8 channel. I've wired up many relays but the normal 10a relays that are common I needed this because it supports 30a to switch a larger load. I ordered Input Voltage 5V, Trigger Voltage 3.3V because I use an ESP32 dev board.
They sent you 8ch instead of 6ch, so how can you expect that trigger voltage is what you ordered?
If there is correctly designed isolation done with optocouplers, you should have 5V vcc and gnd for relay and separate 3V3 and gnd for trigger. Your image is worthless to try to understand the circuit.
Thanks for replying. So should I apply a separate 5vdc and ground from a power supply and the 3.3v signal and ground from the ESP32? Any idea what the S/S Pin is for?
5V from the ESP32 will not be enough to activate the relays, that should be a separate power supply. Each relay takes 185mA at 5V to drive the coil, plus a little for the drive circuitry.
My guess is S/S is for the 3.3V line to the ESP32, then each relay input is triggered with a LOW. Check current with a multimeter, generally opto-coupled relay boards have on-board current limiting resistors. Generally you DO NOT connect a common ground between the 5V supply for the relays and the ESP32.
It is probably the signal common. The description states that the relays can be selected for high or low signal. That means that they will energize with either a 0 volt signal or a 3.3 volt signal.
I did not see a set of selection jumpers on the pictures in the A/E listing you linked but I did see them on pics of other Aryar relay boards. You will have to set all the relays the same.
If you select HIGH the SS will be connected to GND. If you select LOW the SS will be connected to 3.3 volts.
I have limited internet access at the moment and net searches are torture. Perhaps you can do more research under Aryar relay boards.
I wrote "correctly designed isolation..." You never know. But I would expect so. So separate 5V supply for relays and ESP 3.3V to S/S and low signal (GND) to Xx for trigger. No common GND.
If that doesn't trigger the relay, reverse polarity; ESP Gnd to s/s and high signal (3.3V) to Xx for trigger.
SOLVED! Thank You kmin it worked. Separate 5vdc power supply to the VCC & GND. GND from the ESP32 to the S/S pin. Then any 3.3v from any PIn on the ESP32 fires the relay. Is the separate 5VDC power supply necessary because the ESP32 5VDC out does not have enough power? Thank you to everyone that chimed in to assist, learning is fun.