Hi, I am wondering if someone can either assist me by helping me understand this type of sensor and how it communicates with an ESP32 or point me in the direction where I can learn more about the different interfaces and what they mean and how to use them.
It is a dual-TDS sensor with Temp and I believe it communicates over UART?
I dont quite understand how a board with seemingly 4 sensors (2x EC/TDS, 2x TEMP) communicates over seemingly 2 Pins
Go to the web site you posted and click Documents. The data sheet has the connections and the communication protocol. Each probe has a TDS and temperature sensor. You will need the temperature to do corrections to the TDS readings.
There are also sample programs that I didn't look at - I don't do random zip files that I don't need.
Thanks for the reply, yes I have looked through these but I think I need to understand UART communication etc to genuinely understand what it is that I am doing? For example the sample code only references a single TDS reading and it has 2 probes, so I would would need to understand what it is that I am calling, in the past I used DFRobot Gravity Sensors with a breakout board, that was single probes on single pins and was easier to understand referencing the individual pin.