Help with bluetooth audio receive/transmit.


Im quite new to Arduino done a couple of things, but still a noob. I am looking at creating a project that receives audio from a device via bluetooth i.e a smartphone or laptop. Then sends that audio back out via bluetooth to multiple bluetooth devices i.e bluetooth headphones. Looking at essentially one part to receive then maybe 4 bluetooth transmitters. I am just wondering whether this can be done and if anyone can recommend the parts for that. I currently have an Arduino UNO but don't mind if thats not suitable.

Thanks in advance.

Bluetooth pairing works in pairs. Pair = 2.
What you can do, though, is physically split the audio line into multiple transmitters.
So get a receiver that puts out into a 3.5mm jack, run a splitter on there to however many transmitters you want, as each device needs a transmitter.

Curious to know how your project is going, I am looking to do the same project as well. Looking to connect to one BT device and split that audio to 1-4 sets of BT paired stereo systems around my house. If you've made any progress please let me know!