Help with midi drum project

Hello, I got the idea of making my own e-drumset with my arduino. So i have some questions i need to clear. Firstly, I have a midi interface (Komplete audio 1) and i use it for my mic and guitars. Can i use it for drums if i manage to do this project and how? Also, will an arduino uno do the job done (im thinking of having kick, snare, tom 1, tom 2, crash, ride, bell, hihats open and closed)? And i need some links for doing the drums because i cant find many that i understand... Thanks a lot!

Yes it probably can.
Interesting project but we are not a free design or code writing service. We will be happy help out with your design and or code but first you have to make an attempt to design it, write it, post it and explain what is not working properly.

If there is hardware it is always best to post links to technical information as there are many versions of the same or different items. Since we cannot see your project, my eyes are to weak, you need to post using the language of electronics, an annotated schematic (best) or a clear picture of a drawing. Pictures never hurt. Frizzing diagrams are not considered schematics here.

Well, I didnt ask for code... I just asked for some links if anybody knows cuz i cant find. And also it was just a genuine question if i can use an interface with an arduino with midi output and sensors for drums... So yeah

And I do not know what you understand or do not understand and since you did not like my first answer I will not give you links to something you do not understand. From your question you appear to have very little experience with Arduino.

Hi, I'm not a free design or code generating service either (btw, ChatGPT is, I am slowly learning how to ask it, and it has written some pretty knarly codes for me so far), but as I am going through the same exercise a bit I hope I can help a bit and get help a bit, too. I found this a while ago:

In the description you find the link and there the code. To me, this code gives me debouncing regulated with the millis set-up, not with some sort of delay, and it is scale-able. I plan on using an ESP32 instead of a regular Arduino, to combat latency. Last but not least, I am looking at this board:

Instead of running it to a computer for the midi sounds. The computer needed for low latency is really expensive and, as a normal acoustic kit, I don't need to change the set on-the-fly. And even if I would need two or three set-ups for a gig, I just carry a few SD cards. I am still looking at by-passing the midi step all together and using I2C communication between the ESP32 and the WAV trigger board.

Hope this helps and advice is welcome,


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