Help with NeoPixel LED Strip + DS3231 + Buttons

Greetings everyone. I need some more help, please.
I have an Arduino code, made for a clock, using an LED strip, an RTC (DS3231) and 3 Buttons to set Hours, Minutes and Seconds. I would like to replace the Buttons with a KEYES IR Remote Control, which uses the NEC protocol, if I'm not mistaken; however, my knowledge about code is very little. I will be leaving the code here and I would be very grateful for any possible help.

 * Clock_LED_Button_TimeChange by beta1042

#include <Wire.h>
#include <RTClib.h>
#include <FastLED.h>

#define LED_PIN  7
#define NUM_LEDS 60
#define BRIGHTNESS  32
#define LED_TYPE    WS2812


// RTC com CR2032 - Corte a TRILHA ou Remova o DIODO!!!!!!!!


RTC_DS3231 RTC; // Define o módulo RTC
DateTime Clock; // Mantém a hora atual do relógio

byte hourval, minuteval, secondval;
int adjusthr, adjustmin, adjustsec;

int P1 = 3; // Botão de Horas (D3)
int P2 = 4; // Botão de Minutos (D4)
int P3 = 5; // Botão de Segundos (D5)

// As variáveis ​​mudarão:
int lastButtonStateP1 = LOW; // a leitura anterior do pino de entrada
int lastButtonStateP2 = LOW;
int lastButtonStateP3 = LOW;

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(); // Inicia o I2C
  RTC.begin();  // Inicia o RTC

  pinMode(P1, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(P2, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(P3, INPUT_PULLUP);

  if (! RTC.lostPower()) {
    // Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!");
    // A linha a seguir define o RTC para a data e hora em que este sketch foi compilado
    // RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

  FastLED.clear(); // limpa todos os dados de pixel
  FastLED.setBrightness(  BRIGHTNESS );;

void flash2hour(int flashhr) { // 'flashhr' deve ser a posição do LED. Ex. 6 horas são 30 flashhr (ou metade dos LEDs no relógio)
  int adji;

  for (int i = 1; i <= flashhr; i++) {
    if (i >= 30) {
      adji = i - 30;
    else {
      adji = i + 30;
    leds[adji] = CRGB(255, 0, 0); // Vermelho;

    leds[adji] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); // Preto (apagado)

void loop() {

  Clock =; // obtém o tempo do RTC

  secondval = Clock.second(); // obtém segundos
  minuteval = Clock.minute(); // obtém minutos
  hourval = Clock.hour();     // obtém horas

  // Esta linha define o RTC com uma data e hora explícitas. Por exemplo, para definir...
  // January 21, 2014 às 3:02am, você chamaria:
  // rtc.adjust(DateTime(2014, 1, 21, 3, 0, 2));

  // Lê o estado do botão em uma variável local:
  int readingP1 = digitalRead(P1);
  int readingP2 = digitalRead(P2);
  int readingP3 = digitalRead(P3);

  // Verifica se você pressionou o botão
  // (i.e. a entrada foi de LOW para HIGH), e você esperou tempo
  // suficiente desde a última pressão para ignorar qualquer ruído.

  // Verifica se você pressionou o botão de Horas, e incrementa em 1
  if (readingP1 != lastButtonStateP1)
    if (readingP1 == HIGH) {
      if (hourval == 23) {
        hourval = 0; // apenas 24 horas, inicia em 0, então faz reset para 0
      else {
        hourval += 1; // avança em 1
      RTC.adjust(DateTime(Clock.year(), Clock.month(),, hourval, Clock.minute(), Clock.second()));

  // Verifica se você pressionou o botão Minuto, e incrementa em 1
  if (readingP2 != lastButtonStateP2)
    if (readingP2 == HIGH) {
      if (minuteval == 59) {
        minuteval = 0;
      else {
        minuteval += 1; // avança por 1
      RTC.adjust(DateTime(Clock.year(), Clock.month(),, Clock.hour(), minuteval, Clock.second()));

  // Verifica se você pressionou o botão de Segundos, e faz o reset para 0
  if (readingP3 != lastButtonStateP3)
    if (readingP3 == HIGH) {
      secondval = 0;
      RTC.adjust(DateTime(Clock.year(), Clock.month(),, Clock.hour(), Clock.minute(), secondval));

  if (hourval > 11) hourval -= 12; // Este relógio é de 12 horas; se for de 13-23, converta para 0-11
  //  hourval = (hourval*60 + minuteval) / 12;
  hourval = (hourval * 60) / 12;

  // Ajusta os valores, pois a tira de LED inicia na marca de 6 horas em vez de 12 (ligado próximo a 6)
  if (hourval >= 30) {
    adjusthr = hourval - 30;
  else {
    adjusthr = hourval + 30;

  if (minuteval >= 30) {
    adjustmin = minuteval - 30;
  else {
    adjustmin = minuteval + 30;

  if (secondval >= 30) {
    adjustsec = secondval - 30;
  else {
    adjustsec = secondval + 30;

  if (minuteval == 0 && secondval == 0) {

  leds[adjusthr] = CRGB(255, 0, 0); // Vermelho
  // leds[hourval-1] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); // Cor mais clara que o vermelho
  // leds[hourval+1] = CRGB(0, 0, 0);

  leds[adjustmin] = CRGB(0, 0, 255); // Azul
  // strip.setPixelColor(minuteval-1, 0x200020);strip.setPixelColor(minuteval+1, 0x200020);

  leds[adjustsec] = CRGB(0, 255, 0); // Verde;

  leds[adjusthr] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); // Preto
  leds[adjustmin] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); // Preto
  leds[adjustsec] = CRGB(0, 0, 0); // Preto

  lastButtonStateP1 = readingP1;
  lastButtonStateP2 = readingP2;
  lastButtonStateP3 = readingP3;

     Serial.print(hourval, DEC);
     Serial.print(minuteval, DEC);
     Serial.println(secondval, DEC);

What arduino are you using?
Post a schematic of your current project.

So, my friend, I didn't post a schematic here, because the project is very simple, and the wiring, I mean, of the Buttons, is already in the code, that is:

int P1 = 3;  // Hours Button (D3)
int P2 = 4;  // Minute Button (D4)
int P3 = 5;  // Seconds Button (D5)

The RTC (DS3231) is the standard I2C connection (A4 and A5); and the Arduino is the Nano board.

And it is working properly; I just want to replace the Buttons with the Remote Control.

I simulated your project in Wokwi.
It worked correctly.

So I added RC to set the clock.

But there is an incompatibility problem between the FastLED library and the IRremote library.

If I comment out the; line, RC works correctly, but if I uncomment this line, the RC values ​​are wrong.

I still haven't been able to check if it is a problem with Wokwi or the libraries.

I will only be able to confirm this when I test it at home with a real Arduino.


9768FF00 Key 0


541D6170 Key 0

Simulated at: " LED_Strip_Clock - Wokwi ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator

PS: I found this topic:
ref: "FastLED and IRremote

Problems with Neopixels, FastLed etc.

IRremote will not work right when you use Neopixels (aka WS2811/WS2812/WS2812B) or other libraries blocking interrupts for a longer time (> 50 µs).
Whether you use the Adafruit Neopixel lib, or FastLED, interrupts get disabled on many lower end CPUs like the basic Arduinos for longer than 50 µs. In turn, this stops the IR interrupt handler from running when it needs to.

One workaround is to wait for the IR receiver to be idle before you send the Neopixel data with if (IrReceiver.isIdle()) {;}.
This prevents at least breaking a running IR transmission and -depending of the update rate of the Neopixel- may work quite well.
There are some other solutions to this on more powerful processors, see this page from Marc MERLIN

Ok! That's excellent news. I'll be waiting and thank you very much for your help.

I found this here but this code is much more complex.

Neopixel Clock

If it is too difficult, I will keep the Buttons, or I will use the code without Buttons, only with the RTC.

@ruilviana, what do you think about this:

Of course, it is not necessary to use that 44-key control; it could be another one, as long as it is by the NEC protocol, I think.

Try assembling it to see the result.