I never knew that Higgs had even lost his boson in the first place.
I never knew that Higgs had even lost his boson in the first place.
Yeah, careless of him eh? Mind you, seems it's pretty small, so easy to misplace.
Must've been in the last place they looked.
No, they detected something that with 99% probability looks like a Higgs Boson. They do not yet know if it is THE Higgs Boson or one of the others
Not just 99%.
Perhaps they found a big hairy cornute thing - Higgs' Bison.
Not just 99%.
Well, actually it is 0% or 100%. Either they found it or not, right? However they do not know better yet because their numbers only give them >99% confidence.
On the News last night they said:
Some scientists were concerned that searching for the Higgs Boson would open a black hole and the Earth would be destroyed. The fact that we are reporting to you now shows this didn't happen.
I thought that was pretty funny.
Well they did make black holes to look for the this higss Boson. As all black holes we know suck material to them like a big hover, it is not unrealistic to think this could happen.
The thing is that we do not know how big the critical mass is for a big hole to start growing. Off-course the scientists stated the critical mass was not big enough (and others stated it was) and the lifetime of the black holes was to short for them to grow. But scientists have been wrong before ...
The good old "better safe than sorry" is not the credo for the people working with the LHC
We now do know that the black holes they produced did not reach the critical mass.
Greetings from Belgium
Not just 99%.Perhaps they found a big hairy cornute thing - Higgs' Bison.
What's this I hear about the search for Higg's Bos'n? Why go to all this trouble looking for him? Did he abandon his ship? ...
Well they did make black holes to look for the this higss Boson. As all black holes we know suck material to them like a big hover, it is not unrealistic to think this could happen.
The thing is that we do not know how big the critical mass is for a big hole to start growing. Off-course the scientists stated the critical mass was not big enough (and others stated it was) and the lifetime of the black holes was to short for them to grow. But scientists have been wrong before ...
The good old "better safe than sorry" is not the credo for the people working with the LHC
We now do know that the black holes they produced did not reach the critical mass.
All of that is total rubbish..
No black holes were created.
We do know exactly how much mass is needed to form a black hole.
If you do produce a black hole it dose not suck in all the matter in the world.
I remember reading that it did in fact create sorts of black holes but they did know for certain that they were microscopic and only lasted for a fraction of a second.
Scientists stated that mixing coke and pepsi would not create a black hole that would destroy the Earth, but they've been wrong before.
No the "they have been wrong before" argument just dosn't stand up. The people who have been wrong before is the idiots who make predictions without understanding the science. Like the people afrade of lack holes. Have you any idea what would happen if we created a large black hole, and by that I mean one the size of a grain of sand? Absolutely nothing, it's velocity would take it outside the Earths orbit in seconds, ther will be nothing to stop it and it would be gone. With the LHC we are talking about very small ones indeed.
Mixing Coke and Pepsi destroys the Earth? I didn't know that.
I don't know about that, but mixing either with Mentos makes a helluva mess!
I thought they were looking for this
This made the rounds a few years back, but in case you missed it.
don't be silly, its 4 ounces of 7UP mixed with 4 ounces of Sprite, then take 1 ounce of mountain dew, and drop it in.
Also IMNSHO a very bad tasting drink.... tho come to think of it I once knew a girl that Loved Coke and Gin.... but she didn't drink the Coke...
Here's another one I remember seeing a few years ago
LHC Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment Webcams
Now I don't assume I understand basically anything of it, but I'm thinking maybe Mass Effect (the PC game) got at least a point with it's "mass effect" fieldy thingy that removes mass of whatever is inside. Think shielding against the Higgs field, or bosons, or something to that end. I want my flying car