How Can I control LED Matrices by using PIR sensor

Hi everyone. I am very new to Arduino. I want to make an interactive light design using a PIR detector, LED Matrix and Arudino USB. Is there any ready project that has been applied before? How can I start to build a project like this

thank you

How can I start to build a project like this

Start by defining your requirements. The Arduino can read the output from a PIR. The Arduino can turn pins on and off, to "control" the LED matrix.

How many LEDs in the matrix? How will you power the LEDs? What do you want to have happen when the PIR goes HIGH? When it goes LOW?

Thank you for your concern.
Number of Led Matrices can be 3 pieces.

3 pieces of these cmoponents.
Actually I want to control these matrcies same as the movement of any user. If someone moves I want the leds to be lit just like the movement of the user. But first of all I think I have to learn how a Led changes color if the PIR says high or low? Is it right?

There are 4 pieces of leds in each matrice.
I dont know what shall I use to power the LEDS. Do I need external driver for the LEDs?

Sorry but that data sheet is nothing to do with LEDs it is just a cover for some buttons.
You might know what you but you are not expressing it in a form that is understandable. You make a number of random statements that have no connection. You say There are 4 pieces of leds in each matrice but what is a piece, is that 4 by 4 LEDs or is that a 2 by 2 LEDs.
I don't know what shall I use to power the LEDS. Do I need external driver for the LEDs?
These questions can only be answered when you say what LED matrix you will be using.
I have to learn how a Led changes color
Do you mean from say red to green or do you mean on an off?

I want the leds to be lit just like the movement of the user.
Again this is not making sense.
You have to be a lot more specific before you can be helped.

ok thank you very much for your help. My primary aim is to build an interactive light design by using led matrices. this is like the LED turns on and off according to the position of the user across a led panel consisting of many matrices. but first of all I want to learn how to control LEDs using a camera or a sensor. The spec I have sent you is wrong thats right. this is the spec sheet of the matrice.

So what do you think my first step be to make a design using these type of matrices and a camera that perceives the movement of a user and gives it to the LEDs.

If you want to drive lots of leds with a standard arduino board you'll need to either use multiplexing techniques or a specialised led driver chip. Tom Igoe has good tutorials on multiplexing on his site and in the book "Physical Computing". With a Mega you might just about have enough pins to just control each led individually. If you're using RGB leds then it's more complicated as you use PWM to change the colours. There are some good examples on site, search for "RGB LED matrix"

Thank you Richard Crowley
do you have any known resources I can read for this user movement control systems?

The project that I desire is like this one:

Isnt it possible by Arduino

As that project uses analogue elements then you can't use an arduino. However you can, and many people have, make an arduino equivalent. Please do some googling if you want to copy some one else's project or ask here if you want some specific help.