How can I make drone with Arduino Uno and Motor driver l239d and Bluetooth module Hc 05

Hey , I want to make a drone with Arduino Uno , Motor driver l239d Arduino sheild, bluetooth module Hc 05 . The main thing is that I want to make it with brush motors . I get this Idea while making a car with Arduino Uno and Motor driver L239d with Hc 05 . Can this be similar to drone ? . I haven't buy any motors so please let me know which motor should I buy in brush category and which battery it will be compatible with it . If brush can't be helped in any ways then suggest brushless motors. Thanks you team
I'm new so if I can't explain my doubt so I'm really sorry

A drone calls for quite some more to be controllable and have stability.

Can you explain what should I use more to make drone

Please look for a complete tutorial, maybe a kit ready to be built. I've got no ready project to post here.

Do you have the structure built so you know what that will weigh? How are you mounting the motors to your frame? How will you mount the battery to the frame?

Yes , I will use battery just opposite to the Arduino side and motors on the edge of 4 sides of the drone

Ok. Have you attached your motors and tried them all at once, directly from your battery? That will give you a clue as to whether they have enough power to make your drone fly. No Arduino necessary. Be sure to tether the drone to the ground while testing.

No , I think you got wrong . I'm saying that I have Arduino Uno and Motor driver l239D and Hc-05 and motors from that I want to make drone. Why should I directly give power to motors ? How can they move forward or backward or in any direction without joining motors into Motor driver. Main thing is can I make a drone from that?

So you can know if they will give enough thrust at full power to actually lift your drone!
Do that before worrying about motor speed and direction or rotation. Don't build things before you even know if your components are usable.

Ok I'll test