How Connect & control Servo with L293D ?

Hi...Please Help me ..
I want to control servo with L293D chip,I want to turn servo to specific degrees ;
Any help ?

Hi...Please Help me ..
I want to control servo with L293D chip,I want to turn servo to specific degrees ;
Any help ??

Servo only needs a control signal from Arduino. L293D is not needed.
Check out Servo.h library.

yeah ...i know ..But is it safe to connect servo directly to arduino?

Yes. Connect Servo control to arduino IO. Gnd to Gnd. Servo supply to power supply, NOT to arduino 5V pin.

thanks it ...
Thanks again

You don't need any external chip to control a servo.

Just connect the servo's power and ground wires to the servo power supply (5v or 6v and about 1 amp per servo)

Also connect the servo ground to the Arduino ground.

Connect your servo signal wire to the Arduino pin of choice.

Try the example code that comes with the Arduino IDE



And don't cross-post anymore - post a question, have a little patience.

@damith14 - because you cross posted I just wasted my time giving an answer when you had already had answers from others.
