How do I make my arduino plot a graph on a tft screen?

How do I make my arduino plot a graph on a tft screen?
I don't even know where to start, however I do know that it has to be non-blocking, and it needs to add to the graph every hour. Time critical things have to happen at the same time.
It needs to run on a mega, and this screen. If anyone can help me know how to go about this, it would be greatly appreciated. I've got a "sort of" code going, but it doesn't work correctly, so I'd like to start from scratch if I can.

I am using the MCUFRIEND_kbv library.

There seem to be a number of examples, e.g., 1-Demo/Demo_Arduino_Mega2560/Example/Example_04_display_graph in the download section of the link you provided.

Here I collect 5 days worth of data.

void fProcessAirPressure ( void *pvParemeters )
  int   Ticks     = 118; // Tick counter
  bool  Filled    = false; // array has been filled before?
  float *ptr      = CollectionPressure; // pointer to the array
  const int ticksTrigger = 120; // triggered at 1 minute intervals
  for (;;)
    //triggered by BME which is triggered by the 1 minute hardware timer.
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtStoreAirPressure, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_CollectPressure, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    if ( !Filled )
      //if array has not been filled before, fill array with the same base value
      for ( int j = 0; j < BufferCount; j++ )
        *( ptr + j ) = x_eData.oPressure;
      Filled = true;// array has been initially filled
    } else {
      if ( Ticks == ticksTrigger )
        //when tick counter reaches the trigger level
        //shift contents left and insert new value at the end
        for ( int i = 0; i <= BufferCount - 2; i++ )
          *( ptr + i ) = *( ptr + (i + 1) );
      *( ptr + (BufferCount - 1) ) = x_eData.oPressure;//new value to be inserted
    // find and store highest and lowest value
    if ( x_eData.oPressure > x_eData.PressureH )
      x_eData.PressureH = x_eData.oPressure;
    if ( x_eData.oPressure < x_eData.PressureL )
      x_eData.PressureL = x_eData.oPressure;
    if ( Ticks > ticksTrigger )
      Ticks = 1;
    //log_i( "ticks %d" , Ticks );
    x_eData.cngPress = CalculatePressureFactors(  *( ptr + 57), *( ptr + 59) ); // going back 4 hours
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_CollectPressure );
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fStoreAirPressure ( void *pvParemeters )

Here I display the data in a graph

void fDoTheDisplayThing( void * parameter )
  float *ptr = CollectionPressure;
  int yIncrement = 18;
  int CurrentY = 20;
  int CurrentX = 5;
  String temp1 = "";
  String temp2 = "";
  int boxSpacing = 80;
  size_t item_size;
  for (;;)
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDisplayUpdate, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    struct stu_eData px_eData = x_eData;
    xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
    CurrentY = 20;
    display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE); // set the background to white (fill the buffer with value for white)
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawBitmap( CurrentX + 10, CurrentY + 5, temperature_icon16x16, 16, 16, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 30, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "F" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 10, CurrentY + 40);
    display.print( String(px_eData.oTemperature) );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + boxSpacing, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "R.H.");
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String((int)px_eData.oHumidity) + "%" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY + 40);
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 2 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 163, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "Dew Pt" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.DewPoint) );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 3 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "AQI" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.IAQ)) + "%" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 4 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 327, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "R.M." );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 327, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.RM0)) + "%" );
    // end of first line
    if ( px_eData.SunRiseMin < 10 )
      temp1.concat( "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
    } else {
      temp1.concat( String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
    if ( px_eData.SunSetMin < 10 )
      temp2.concat( "0" + String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
    } else {
      temp2.concat( String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( "Wind: " );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( "Speed " + String(px_eData.WS) + "KPH, Dir " + String(px_eData.WD) + " Chill " + String(px_eData.WindChill) + "F" );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.drawRect( CurrentX, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    addsun( 35, CurrentY + 30 , Small, SmallIcon );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 5, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + ":" + temp1 );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 5, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.SunSetHr) + ":" + temp2 );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + boxSpacing, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    addraindrop(CurrentX + 110, CurrentY + 15, 7);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.RF) );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 100, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( "mm" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 2 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 177, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "C02" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.CO2)) );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( "PPM" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 3 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.WSV) );
    //make graph
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_CollectPressure, portMAX_DELAY );
    CurrentY += yIncrement * 6;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY); //set cursor position
    //display.drawLine( CurrentX, CurrentY, CurrentX + 200, CurrentY, GxEPD_BLACK);
    //int BaseLine = (int)CollectionPressure[0];
    int BaseLine = (int) * ptr;
    int offsetX = 0;
    for ( int j = 0; j < BufferCount; j++ )
      if ( *(ptr + j) != 0.0f )
        int yAdj = BaseLine - (int) * (ptr + j);
        display.setCursor( CurrentX + offsetX, CurrentY + yAdj );
        display.print( "-" );
        offsetX += 5;
        // log_i( "pressure %f item %d", CollectionPressure[j], j );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( String(px_eData.oPressure) + "mmHg" );
    int Xone = 48;
    int Yone = 59;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( PressureRateOfChange() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_CollectPressure );
    temp2 = "";
    temp1 = "";
    display.display(false); // full update
    //log_i( "DoTheBME280Thing high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fDoTheDisplayTHing( void * parameter )

Hope this helps.

Is that 100% non-blocking?

That sure isn't a graph :thinking::roll_eyes:

You basically print ( plot or whatever) at a position (x,y) for your data point . Where x is say the time and y the current value of your variable .
Scale the numbers to fit the screen. Draw your axis as simple straight lines .

You can get more fancy and join the dots later or work out how to do a scrolling screen later too

The code posted is ran under freeRTOS on a ESP32 and is non-blocking. 100%.

How do I save the data so the last one isn't deleted? Should I use an array?

One thing at a time, one thing at a time...

1 Like

Can you send me the complete code?

If you don’t refresh the screen it will stay there , or as you said out them all in an array

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  Stole some code from that guy.
#include "MyBitmap.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include "certs.h"
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "esp_system.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include "Adafruit_BME680.h"
#include <GxEPD2_BW.h>
#include <U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX.h> // Select u8g2 font from here:
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h> //
#include <Fonts/FreeMono9pt7b.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include <SimpleKalmanFilter.h>
#include "MHZ19.h"
#include <ESP32Time.h>
#include <SolarCalculator.h>
ESP32Time rtc;
MHZ19 myMHZ19;
GxEPD2_BW<GxEPD2_420, GxEPD2_420::HEIGHT> display(GxEPD2_420(/*CS=5*/ SS, /*DC=*/ 17, /*RST=*/ 16, /*BUSY=*/ 4)); // GDEW042T2
Adafruit_BME680 bme( GPIO_NUM_15 );
WiFiClient   wifiClient; // do the WiFi instantiation thing
PubSubClient MQTTclient( mqtt_server, mqtt_port, wifiClient );
#define evtStoreAirPressure   ( 1 << 0 )
#define evtWaitForBME         ( 1 << 1 )
#define evtParseMQTT          ( 1 << 3 )
#define evtDisplayUpdate      ( 1 << 4 )
#define evtDoBME              ( 1 << 5 )
#define evtDewPoint           ( 1 << 6 )
#define OneMinuteGroup ( evtDoBME )
EventGroupHandle_t eg;
QueueHandle_t xQ_WindChillDewPoint;
QueueHandle_t xQ_eData;
struct stu_eData
  float  oTemperature = 0.0f;
  float  oHumidity    = 0.0f;
  float  oPressure    = 0.0f;
  float  Temperature  = 0.0f;
  float  Pressure    = 0.0f;
  float  Humidity    = 0.0f;
  float  IAQ         = 0.0f; // Index Air Quality
  float  RM0         = 0.0f; // Remaining Moisture from sensor 0
  //float  PM2         = 0.0f; // particles in air
  float  WS          = 0.0f; // wind speed
  String WD          = "";   // wind direction
  float  RF          = 0.0f; // rainfall
  float  WSV         = 0.0f; // weather station volts
  //float  WSC         = 0.0f; // weather station current
  //float  WSP         = 0.0f; // weather station power
  float  WindChill   = 0.0f; //windchill
  float  DewPoint    = 0.0f; //dew point or dew index
  int    SunRiseHr   = 0;    // sunrise hour
  int    SunRiseMin  = 0;    //sunrise minute
  int    SunSetHr    = 0;    //sunset hour
  int    SunSetMin   = 0;    //sunset minute
  int    DuskHr      = 0;    //dusk
  int    DuskMin     = 0;    //dusk
  int    DawnHr      = 0;    // dawn
  int    DawnMin     = 0;    // dawn
  int    TransitHr   = 0;    // 'noon' time
  int    TransitMin  = 0;    // 'noon' time
  double azimuth     = 0.0f;   // Sun's azimuth, in degrees
  double elevation   = 0.0f;     // Sun's elevation, in degrees
  float  CO2         = 0.0f;
  float  PressureH   = 0.0f;
  float  PressureL   = 10000.0f;
  int    cngPress    = 0; // pressure change 0= no change, -1 slow change +1 fast change
} x_eData; // environmental data
QueueHandle_t xQ_Message; // payload and topic queue of MQTT payload and topic
const int payloadSize = 100;
struct stu_message
  char payload [payloadSize] = {'\0'};
  String topic ;
} x_message;
const float oGasResistanceBaseLine = 149598.0f;
int mqttOK = 0;
volatile bool TimeSet = false;
const int BufferCount = 60;
float CollectionPressure[BufferCount] = {0.0f};
boolean LargeIcon = true, SmallIcon = false;
//bool CollectionDone = false;
#define Large  11           // For icon drawing, needs to be odd number for best effect
#define Small  5            // For icon drawing, needs to be odd number for best effect
enum alignment {LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER};
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_MQTT_KeepAlive;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_PublishPM;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_mqttOK;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_CollectPressure;
SemaphoreHandle_t sema_eData;
//serial(2) = pin25 RX, pin26 TX
HardwareSerial co2Serial ( 2 );
void IRAM_ATTR onTimer()
  BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
  xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR(eg, OneMinuteGroup, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken);
} // void IRAM_ATTR onTimer()
// interrupt service routine for WiFi events put into IRAM
void IRAM_ATTR WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event)
  switch (event) {
    default: break;
} // void IRAM_ATTR WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event)
void IRAM_ATTR mqttCallback(char* topic, byte * payload, unsigned int length)
  memset( x_message.payload, '\0', payloadSize ); // clear payload char buffer
  x_message.topic = ""; //clear topic string buffer
  x_message.topic.concat( topic ); //store new topic
  int i = 0; // extract payload
  for ( i; i < length; i++)
    x_message.payload[i] = ((char)payload[i]);
  x_message.payload[i] = '\0';
  xQueueOverwrite( xQ_Message, (void *) &x_message );// send data to queue
} // void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length)
void setup()
  // hardware timer 4 set for one minute alarm
  hw_timer_t * timer = NULL;
  timer = timerBegin( 3, 80, true );
  timerAttachInterrupt( timer, &onTimer, true );
  timerAlarmWrite(timer, 60000000, true);
  co2Serial.begin( 9600 , SERIAL_8N1, 25, 26 ); // pin25 RX, pin26 TX
  x_message.topic.reserve( payloadSize );
  xQ_WindChillDewPoint = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_eData) );
  xQ_Message  = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_message) );
  xQ_eData    = xQueueCreate( 1, sizeof(stu_eData) ); // sends a queue copy of the structure
  sema_PublishPM = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_PublishPM );
  sema_mqttOK    =  xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
  sema_CollectPressure = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_CollectPressure );
  sema_eData = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
  eg = xEventGroupCreate(); // get an event group handle
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fparseMQTT, "fparseMQTT", 7000,  NULL, 5, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( MQTTkeepalive, "MQTTkeepalive", 5000, NULL, 6, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( DoTheBME680Thing, "DoTheBME280Thing", 20000, NULL, 5, NULL, 1);
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fmqttWatchDog, "fmqttWatchDog", 5000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fDoTheDisplayThing, "fDoTheDisplayThing", 30000, NULL, 3, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fGetCO2, "fGetCO2", 4500, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fParseDewPointWindChill, "fParseDewPointWindChill", 4500, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fSolarCalculations, "fSolarCalculations", 10000, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fProcessAirPressure, "fProcessAirPressure", 5000, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
  xTaskCreatePinnedToCore( fFindDewPointWithHumidity, "fFindDewPointWithHumidity", 5000, NULL, 2, NULL, 1 );
} //void setup()
void fFindDewPointWithHumidity( void *pvParameters )
  float temperature = 0.0f;
  for ( ;; )
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDewPoint, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    temperature = (x_eData.oTemperature - 32) / 1.8f; // Celsius (°C) = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8  convert to C
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    x_eData.DewPoint = log(x_eData.oHumidity / 100) + (17.62 * temperature) / (243.12 + temperature);
    x_eData.DewPoint =  243.12 * x_eData.DewPoint / (17.62 - x_eData.DewPoint);
    x_eData.DewPoint = (x_eData.DewPoint * 1.8f) + 32.0f; // convert back to F
    xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
String PressureRateOfChange ()
  String s = "";
  s.reserve( 10 );
  xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
  switch ( x_eData.cngPress )
    case 0:
      s = "Slow";
    case 1:
      s = "Unsettled";
    case 2:
      s = "Fast";
    case 3:
      s = "Steady";
  xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
  return s;
   Approaching storms and wind cause barometric pressure to decrease.
   Rising pressure indicates fair weather.
   The longer it takes barometric pressure to change,
   the longer the coming weather pattern can be expected to last.
   It is possible that a small weather event, such as a passing shower, may trigger no change in barometric pressure.
   slow rate of change .0762mmHg - 1.016mmHg < 3 hours
   fast rate of change 4.572mmHg in < 3 hours
   steady <=.0762Hg in <= 3 hours
int CalculatePressureFactors( float pastPressure, float currentPressure )
  float rateChange = abs(pastPressure - currentPressure);
  //log_i ( " pressure rate of change %f", rateChange );
  if ( (rateChange >= .0762f) && (rateChange <= 1.016f ) )
    return 0; //slow
  if ( (rateChange > 1.016f) && (rateChange < 4.572f) )
    return 1;
  if ( rateChange >= 4.572f )
    return 2;//fast
  if ( rateChange <= .0762 )
    return 3;//steady
} //void CalculatePressureFactors()
void fProcessAirPressure ( void *pvParemeters )
  int   Ticks     = 118; // Tick counter
  bool  Filled    = false; // array has been filled before?
  float *ptr      = CollectionPressure; // pointer to the array
  const int ticksTrigger = 120; // triggered at 1 minute intervals
  for (;;)
    //triggered by BME which is triggered by the 1 minute hardware timer.
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtStoreAirPressure, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_CollectPressure, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    if ( !Filled )
      //if array has not been filled before, fill array with the same base value
      for ( int j = 0; j < BufferCount; j++ )
        *( ptr + j ) = x_eData.oPressure;
      Filled = true;// array has been initially filled
    } else {
      if ( Ticks == ticksTrigger )
        //when tick counter reaches the trigger level
        //shift contents left and insert new value at the end
        for ( int i = 0; i <= BufferCount - 2; i++ )
          *( ptr + i ) = *( ptr + (i + 1) );
      *( ptr + (BufferCount - 1) ) = x_eData.oPressure;//new value to be inserted
    // find and store highest and lowest value
    if ( x_eData.oPressure > x_eData.PressureH )
      x_eData.PressureH = x_eData.oPressure;
    if ( x_eData.oPressure < x_eData.PressureL )
      x_eData.PressureL = x_eData.oPressure;
    if ( Ticks > ticksTrigger )
      Ticks = 1;
    //log_i( "ticks %d" , Ticks );
    x_eData.cngPress = CalculatePressureFactors(  *( ptr + 57), *( ptr + 59) ); // going back 4 hours
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_CollectPressure );
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fStoreAirPressure ( void *pvParemeters )
void fSolarCalculations ( void *pvParameters )
  double sunrise;  // Sunrise, in hours (UTC)
  double transit;  // Solar noon, in hours (UTC)
  double sunset;   // Sunset, in hours (UTC)
  double dawn;     // Civil dawn, in hours (UTC)
  double dusk;     // Civil dusk, in hours (UTC)
  //double rt_ascension;  // Sun's right ascension, in degrees
  //double declination;   // Sun's declination, in degrees
  const  float time_zone = -7.0f;
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 1000; //delay for mS
  int count  = 3590;
  int monthX = 1;
  int dayX   = 1;
  for (;;)
    if ( count % 60 == 0 )
      if ( (rtc.getHour(true) >= 12) & (rtc.getHour(true) <= 23) )
        dayX = 0;
      } else {
        dayX = 1;
      calcSunriseSunset( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , (rtc.getDay() + dayX), latitude, longitude, transit, sunrise, sunset );  // Calculate the times of sunrise, transit and sunset
      sunrise += time_zone;
      sunset  += time_zone;
      SolarTimeFormat( sunrise, 0 );
      SolarTimeFormat( sunset, 1 );
      calcCivilDawnDusk( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , rtc.getDay(), latitude, longitude, transit, dawn, dusk); // Calculate the times of civil dawn and dusk (UTC)
      transit += time_zone;
      dawn    += time_zone;
      dusk    += time_zone;
      SolarTimeFormat( dawn, 2 );
      SolarTimeFormat( dusk, 3 );
      SolarTimeFormat( transit, 4 );
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      calcHorizontalCoordinates( rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + monthX) , rtc.getDay(),  rtc.getHour(true) , rtc.getMinute(), rtc.getSecond(), latitude, longitude, x_eData.azimuth, x_eData.elevation );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
      if (count >= 3600 )
        SolarTimeFormat( 0.0f, 5 ); // publish MQTT
        //log_i( "Hour:%d Azimuth %f, elevation %f, transit %dhr %dmin, dawn %dhr %dmin, dusk %dhr %dmin", rtc.getHour(true), x_eData.azimuth, x_eData.elevation, x_eData.TransitHr, x_eData.TransitMin, x_eData.DawnHr, x_eData.DawnMin, x_eData.DuskHr, x_eData.DuskMin );
        count = 0;
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fSolarCalculations ( )
void SolarTimeFormat( double h, int i  )
  int hours   = 0;
  int minutes = 0;
  if ( h != 0.0f )
    int m = int(round(h * 60));
    hours = (m / 60) % 24;
    minutes = m % 60;
  switch ( i )
    case 0:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.SunRiseHr = hours;
      x_eData.SunRiseMin = minutes;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    case 1:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.SunSetHr = hours;
      x_eData.SunSetMin = minutes;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    case 2:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.DawnHr = hours;
      x_eData.DawnMin = minutes;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    case 3:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.DuskHr = hours;
      x_eData.DawnMin = minutes;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    case 4:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.TransitHr = hours;
      x_eData.TransitMin = minutes;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
    case 5:
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      struct stu_eData px_eData = x_eData;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
      String sTopic = "";
      sTopic.reserve( 35 );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.SunSetHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.SunSetMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.DawnHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.DawnMin) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.TransitHr) + "," );
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.TransitMin) );
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
      MQTTclient.publish( topicSRSSDDT, sTopic.c_str() );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
      sTopic = "";
      px_eData.azimuth   = double(round(px_eData.azimuth * 100)) / 100; // Round to two decimal places
      px_eData.elevation = double(round(px_eData.elevation * 100)) / 100;
      sTopic.concat( String(px_eData.azimuth) + "," + String(px_eData.elevation) );
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
      MQTTclient.publish( topicAzEle, sTopic.c_str() );
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
      sTopic = "";
  } // switch ( i ) {
} // void SolarTimeFormat( double h, int i  )
  250-400ppm Normal background concentration in outdoor ambient air
  400-1,000ppm  Concentrations typical of occupied indoor spaces with good air exchange
  1,000-2,000ppm  Complaints of drowsiness and poor air.
  2,000-5,000 ppm Headaches, sleepiness and stagnant, stale, stuffy air. Poor concentration, loss of attention, increased heart rate and slight nausea may also be present.
  5,000 Workplace exposure limit (as 8-hour TWA) in most jurisdictions.
  >40,000 ppm Exposure may lead to serious oxygen deprivation resulting in permanent brain damage, coma, even death.
void fParseDewPointWindChill( void *pvParameters )
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  struct stu_message px_message;
  String sDewPoint = "";
  String sWindChill = "";
  sDewPoint.reserve( payloadSize );
  sWindChill.reserve( payloadSize );
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_WindChillDewPoint, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      sDewPoint = px_message.payload;
      int commaIndex = sDewPoint.indexOf(',');
      sWindChill.concat ( sDewPoint.substring(0, commaIndex) );
      sDewPoint.remove( 0, (commaIndex + 1) );
      xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
      x_eData.WindChill = sWindChill.toFloat();
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_eData );
      xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtDewPoint );
      sDewPoint = "";
      sWindChill = "";
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
void fGetCO2 ( void *pvParameters )
  uint64_t TimePastKalman  = esp_timer_get_time();
  myMHZ19.begin( co2Serial );
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 1000; //delay for mS
  SimpleKalmanFilter KF_CO2( 1.0f, 1.0f, .01f );
  float temp = 0.0f;
  for ( ;; )
    KF_CO2.setProcessNoise( (esp_timer_get_time() - TimePastKalman) / 1000000.0f );
    temp = KF_CO2.updateEstimate( myMHZ19.getCO2() ); // apply simple Kalman filter
    TimePastKalman = esp_timer_get_time();
    temp = round(temp);
    xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    x_eData.CO2 = temp;
    xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
    MQTTclient.publish( topicCO2, String(temp).c_str() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fMHZ19B ( void *pvParameters )
void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )
  struct stu_message px_message;
  for (;;)
    if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
      mqttOK = 0;
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
      if (px_message.topic == topicAQIndex )

      if ( px_message.topic == topicPower )
        log_i( "%s", String(px_message.payload) );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicOutsidePressure )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.oPressure = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicOutsideHumidity )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.oHumidity = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicOutsideTemperature )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.oTemperature = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRemainingMoisture_0 )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.RM0  = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindSpeed )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.WS = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWindDirection )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.WD = "";
        x_eData.WD = String(px_message.payload);
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicRainfall )
        xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
        x_eData.RF = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSVolts )
        x_eData.WSV = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
        //log_i( "%f", x_eData.WSV );
      //      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSCurrent )
      //      {
      //        x_eData.WSC = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      //      }
      //      if ( px_message.topic == topicWSPower )
      //      {
      //        x_eData.WSP = String(px_message.payload).toFloat();
      //      }
      if ( px_message.topic == topicDPnWI )
        xQueueSend( xQ_WindChillDewPoint, (void *) &px_message, 1 );
      if ( String(px_message.topic) == topicOK )
        if ( !TimeSet)
          String temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[0]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[1]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[2]) );
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[3]) );
          int year =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[5]) + String(px_message.payload[6]) );
          int month =  temp.toInt();
          temp =  "";
          temp.concat(String(px_message.payload[8]) + String(px_message.payload[9]) );
          int day =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[11]) + String(px_message.payload[12]) );
          int hour =  temp.toInt();
          temp = "";
          temp.concat( String(px_message.payload[14]) + String(px_message.payload[15]) );
          int min =  temp.toInt();
          rtc.setTime( 0, min, hour, day, month, year );
          log_i( "rtc  %s Year %d month %d day %d", rtc.getTime(), rtc.getYear(), (rtc.getMonth() + 1), rtc.getDay() );
          TimeSet = true;
    } //if ( xQueueReceive(xQ_Message, &px_message, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE )
  } //for(;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} // void fparseMQTT( void *pvParameters )
void fDoTheDisplayThing( void * parameter )
  float *ptr = CollectionPressure;
  int yIncrement = 18;
  int CurrentY = 20;
  int CurrentX = 5;
  String temp1 = "";
  String temp2 = "";
  int boxSpacing = 80;
  size_t item_size;
  for (;;)
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDisplayUpdate, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    struct stu_eData px_eData = x_eData;
    xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
    CurrentY = 20;
    display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE); // set the background to white (fill the buffer with value for white)
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawBitmap( CurrentX + 10, CurrentY + 5, temperature_icon16x16, 16, 16, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 30, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "F" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 10, CurrentY + 40);
    display.print( String(px_eData.oTemperature) );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + boxSpacing, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "R.H.");
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String((int)px_eData.oHumidity) + "%" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY + 40);
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 2 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 163, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "Dew Pt" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.DewPoint) );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 3 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "AQI" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.IAQ)) + "%" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 4 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 327, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "R.M." );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 327, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.RM0)) + "%" );
    // end of first line
    if ( px_eData.SunRiseMin < 10 )
      temp1.concat( "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
    } else {
      temp1.concat( String(px_eData.SunRiseMin) );
    if ( px_eData.SunSetMin < 10 )
      temp2.concat( "0" + String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
    } else {
      temp2.concat( String(px_eData.SunSetMin) );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( "Wind: " );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( "Speed " + String(px_eData.WS) + "KPH, Dir " + String(px_eData.WD) + " Chill " + String(px_eData.WindChill) + "F" );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.drawRect( CurrentX, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    addsun( 35, CurrentY + 30 , Small, SmallIcon );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 5, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "0" + String(px_eData.SunRiseHr) + ":" + temp1 );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 5, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.SunSetHr) + ":" + temp2 );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + boxSpacing, CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    addraindrop(CurrentX + 110, CurrentY + 15, 7);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 90, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.RF) );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 100, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( "mm" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 2 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 177, CurrentY + 15 );
    display.print( "C02" );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 35 );
    display.print( String(int(px_eData.CO2)) );
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 165, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( "PPM" );
    display.drawRect( CurrentX + (boxSpacing * 3 ), CurrentY , 70, 55, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.setCursor( CurrentX + 246, CurrentY + 50 );
    display.print( String(px_eData.WSV) );
    //make graph
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_CollectPressure, portMAX_DELAY );
    CurrentY += yIncrement * 6;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY); //set cursor position
    //display.drawLine( CurrentX, CurrentY, CurrentX + 200, CurrentY, GxEPD_BLACK);
    //int BaseLine = (int)CollectionPressure[0];
    int BaseLine = (int) * ptr;
    int offsetX = 0;
    for ( int j = 0; j < BufferCount; j++ )
      if ( *(ptr + j) != 0.0f )
        int yAdj = BaseLine - (int) * (ptr + j);
        display.setCursor( CurrentX + offsetX, CurrentY + yAdj );
        display.print( "-" );
        offsetX += 5;
        // log_i( "pressure %f item %d", CollectionPressure[j], j );
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( String(px_eData.oPressure) + "mmHg" );
    int Xone = 48;
    int Yone = 59;
    CurrentY += yIncrement;
    display.setCursor( CurrentX, CurrentY );
    display.print( PressureRateOfChange() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_CollectPressure );
    temp2 = "";
    temp1 = "";
    display.display(false); // full update
    //log_i( "DoTheBME280Thing high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  } //for (;;)
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
} //void fDoTheDisplayTHing( void * parameter )
void fmqttWatchDog( void * paramater )
  int UpdateImeTrigger = 86400; //seconds in a day
  int UpdateTimeInterval = 86300; // 1st time update in 100 counts
  int maxNonMQTTresponse = 120;
  for (;;)
    vTaskDelay( 1000 );
    if ( mqttOK >= maxNonMQTTresponse )
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
    UpdateTimeInterval++; // trigger new time get
    if ( UpdateTimeInterval >= UpdateImeTrigger )
      TimeSet = false; // sets doneTime to false to get an updated time after a days count of seconds
      UpdateTimeInterval = 0;
  vTaskDelete( NULL );
float fCalulate_IAQ_Index( int gasResistance, float Humidity)
  float hum_baseline = 40.0f;
  float hum_weighting = 0.25f;
  float gas_offset = 0.0f;
  float hum_offset = 0.0f;
  float hum_score = 0.0f;
  float gas_score = 0.0f;
  gas_offset = oGasResistanceBaseLine - float( gasResistance );
  hum_offset = float( Humidity ) - hum_baseline;
  // calculate hum_score as distance from hum_baseline
  if ( hum_offset > 0.0f )
    hum_score = 100.0f - hum_baseline - hum_offset;
    hum_score /= ( 100.0f - hum_baseline );
    hum_score *= ( hum_weighting * 100.0f );
  } else {
    hum_score = hum_baseline + hum_offset;
    hum_score /= hum_baseline;
    hum_score *= ( 100.0f - (hum_weighting * 100.0f) );
  //calculate gas score as distance from baseline
  if ( gas_offset > 0.0f )
    gas_score = float( gasResistance ) / oGasResistanceBaseLine;
    gas_score *= ( 100.0f - (hum_weighting * 100.0f ) );
  } else {
    gas_score = 100.0f - ( hum_weighting * 100.0f );
  return ( hum_score + gas_score );
} //void fCalulate_IAQ_Index( int gasResistance, float Humidity):
void DoTheBME680Thing( void *pvParameters )
  SPI.begin(); // initialize the SPI library
  vTaskDelay( 10 );
  if (!bme.begin()) {
    log_i("Could not find a valid BME680 sensor, check wiring!");
    while (1);
  // Set up oversampling and filter initialization
  bme.setGasHeater(320, 150); // 320*C for 150 ms
  //wait for a mqtt connection
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtWaitForBME );
  String bmeInfo = "";
  bmeInfo.reserve( 100 );
  for (;;)
    xEventGroupWaitBits (eg, evtDoBME, pdTRUE, pdTRUE, portMAX_DELAY );
    xSemaphoreTake ( sema_eData, portMAX_DELAY );
    x_eData.Temperature  = bme.readTemperature();
    x_eData.Temperature  = ( x_eData.Temperature * 1.8f ) + 32.0f; // (Celsius x 1.8) + 32
    x_eData.Pressure     = bme.readPressure();
    x_eData.Pressure     = x_eData.Pressure / 133.3223684f; //converts to mmHg
    x_eData.Humidity     = bme.readHumidity();
    x_eData.IAQ          = fCalulate_IAQ_Index( bme.readGas(), x_eData.Humidity );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Temperature, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Pressure, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.Humidity, 2) );
    bmeInfo.concat( "," );
    bmeInfo.concat( String(x_eData.IAQ, 2) );
    xSemaphoreGive ( sema_eData );
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY );
    if ( MQTTclient.connected() )
      MQTTclient.publish( topicInsideInfo, bmeInfo.c_str() );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_PublishPM ); // release publish of dust density
    xSemaphoreTake( sema_mqttOK, portMAX_DELAY );
    mqttOK ++;
    xSemaphoreGive( sema_mqttOK );
    bmeInfo = ""; // empty the string buffer
    xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtStoreAirPressure );
    vTaskDelay( 50 );
    xEventGroupSetBits( eg, evtDisplayUpdate );
    // log_i( "DoTheBME280Thing high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
  vTaskDelete ( NULL );
  Important to not set vTaskDelay/vTaskDelayUntil to less then 10. Errors begin to develop with the MQTT and network connection.
  makes the initial wifi/mqtt connection and works to keeps those connections open.
void MQTTkeepalive( void *pvParameters )
  sema_MQTT_KeepAlive   = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
  xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive ); // found keep alive can mess with a publish, stop keep alive during publish
  MQTTclient.setKeepAlive( 90 ); // setting keep alive to 90 seconds makes for a very reliable connection, must be set before the 1st connection is made.
  TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
  const TickType_t xFrequency = 250; //delay for ms
  for (;;)
    //check for a is-connected and if the WiFi 'thinks' its connected, found checking on both is more realible than just a single check
    if ( (wifiClient.connected()) && (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) )
      xSemaphoreTake( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive, portMAX_DELAY ); // whiles MQTTlient.loop() is running no other mqtt operations should be in process
      xSemaphoreGive( sema_MQTT_KeepAlive );
    else {
      log_i( "MQTT keep alive found MQTT status % s WiFi status % s", String(wifiClient.connected()), String(WiFi.status()) );
      if ( !(wifiClient.connected()) || !(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) )
    //log_i( " high watermark % d",  uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) );
    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
    vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
  vTaskDelete ( NULL );
void connectToMQTT()
  byte mac[5]; // create client ID from mac address
  WiFi.macAddress(mac); // get mac address
  String clientID = String(mac[0]) + String(mac[4]) ; // use mac address to create clientID
  while ( !MQTTclient.connected() )
    MQTTclient.connect( clientID.c_str(), mqtt_username, mqtt_password );
    vTaskDelay( 250 );
  MQTTclient.setCallback ( mqttCallback );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicOK );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicRemainingMoisture_0 );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicWindSpeed );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicWindDirection );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicDPnWI );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicOutsideTemperature );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicOutsideHumidity );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicOutsidePressure );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicRainfall );
  //MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicWSVolts );
  MQTTclient.subscribe   ( topicPower );
} //void connectToMQTT()
void connectToWiFi()
  int TryCount = 0;
  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )
    WiFi.begin( SSID, PASSWORD );
    vTaskDelay( 4000 );
    if ( TryCount == 10 )
  WiFi.onEvent( WiFiEvent );
void addraindrop(int x, int y, int scale)
  display.fillCircle(x, y, scale / 2, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.fillTriangle(x - scale / 2, y, x, y - scale * 1.2, x + scale / 2, y , GxEPD_BLACK);
  x = x + scale * 1.6; y = y + scale / 3;
  display.fillCircle(x, y, scale / 2, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.fillTriangle(x - scale / 2, y, x, y - scale * 1.2, x + scale / 2, y , GxEPD_BLACK);
void addsun(int x, int y, int scale, bool IconSize)
  int linesize = 3;
  if (IconSize == SmallIcon) linesize = 1;
  display.fillRect(x - scale * 2, y, scale * 4, linesize, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.fillRect(x, y - scale * 2, linesize, scale * 4, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.drawLine(x - scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, x + scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.drawLine(x - scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, x + scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
  if (IconSize == LargeIcon) {
    display.drawLine(1 + x - scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, 1 + x + scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawLine(2 + x - scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, 2 + x + scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawLine(3 + x - scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, 3 + x + scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawLine(1 + x - scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, 1 + x + scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawLine(2 + x - scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, 2 + x + scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
    display.drawLine(3 + x - scale * 1.3, y + scale * 1.3, 3 + x + scale * 1.3, y - scale * 1.3, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.fillCircle(x, y, scale * 1.3, GxEPD_WHITE);
  display.fillCircle(x, y, scale, GxEPD_BLACK);
  display.fillCircle(x, y, scale - linesize, GxEPD_WHITE);
void loop() { }

100% non-blocking on a ESP32.

Wonderful, thanks! I'll have at look at it tomorrow.

How do I make a non blocking array?

Use millis(), use a multi-tasking OS like freeRTOS on a ESP32, impliment a Finite State Machime.

Can I use it on a mega? I don't want to buy a new screen and board unless I 100% have to.

Any examples?

This thing,

is very helpful.

Did you look in File|Examples|02.Digital|BlinkwithoutDelay?

Your display is a 2D piece of electronic grid paper; everything is dots (pixels.) First order is to map your display into areas that can display different information: text, lines & bars, legends.

A ILI9341 mapped for a barometer may appear as:

**************************** ILI9341 320x240 DISPLAY LAYOUT ****************************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------> 319
| nnnT                                                                 DOW
|              lcd.fillRect( 0,  0, 319, 59, 0);     // blank top
|<- 059 
|              lcd.fillRect( 0, 60, 319, 114, 0);     // blank middle
|                              HH:MM:SS A
|<- 174
|              lcd.fillRect( 0, 175, 319, 64, 0);     // blank lower
|<- 239

When finished, my barometer displays:

The majority of visual commands are below, but for your analysis, I attached the full zip if you want to see how it all ties together.

void StoreHistory ( void ) {                                      // Creates a boxed border using lines 0 & 1
  int  n;                                                         // avoid compiler complaints in for(;;) loop
  // array [0] is reserved for newest value                       // Therefore [80] = [79], [79] = [78],..., [1]==[0] after shift
  for (n = 80; n > 0; n--)                                        // shift history array to the right, oldest value [80] is lost
    pHistory[n]      = pHistory[(n - 1)];                         // shift data right, oldest value lost, [1] becomes [0] the current value
  pHistory[0]        = M;                                         // save current "adjusted" pressure hPa [0]

void displayCurrent( void ) {
  int temp1, temp2;                                               // working vars for type conversion

  lcd.setTextSize(3);                                             // Print hPa and inHg legends and readings in large font
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("hPa   inHg   temp");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 35); lcd.print( M );

  if ( M < 1000 ) {
    lcd.print("   ");
  } else {
    lcd.print("  ");

  temp1              = inHg / 10;                                 // Integer component
  temp2              = ((inHg / 10) - (float) temp1 ) * 100;      // 2 decimal places

  lcd.print(temp1); lcd.print(".");

  lcd.setCursor(235, 35);
  lcd.print( temperature, 0 );

  if (Fahrenheit) {
    lcd.print(" F");
  } else {
    lcd.print(" C");

void displayHistory( void ) {
  long     M;
  long     minimum   = 1040L;
  long     maximum   = 985L;

  uint8_t  h, z;
  uint16_t x, y;

  z = 0;                                                          // z will span 0 to 319, full screen landscape width in pixels

  for ( x = 1; x < 240; x++ )                                     // 80 elements @1 element per 18 minutes = 10 elements per 3 hours
    if ( x % 3 == 0 ) {                                           // this provides for skipping every 3th position for bar spacing
    } else if (pHistory[z] != 0) {                                // array is initially init to zero value, no need to plot this
      if (pHistory[z] < minimum) minimum = pHistory[z];           // capture the lowest  24 hour pressure reading
      if (pHistory[z] > maximum) maximum = pHistory[z];           // capture the highest 24 hour pressure reading
      h = (pHistory[z] - 985) * 2;                                // h is for height and x2 is for scaling factor
      y = 200 - h;                                                // Adafruit's GFX y coordinates plots upside down, flip reference
      lcd.drawFastVLine(x,  y,   h, ILI9341_WHITE);               // 2 bars are drawn per array element and 1 blank space for separation

  y = 200 - ((minimum - 985) * 2);
  for (x = y ; x < 200; x++) {                                    // Alternate display mode
    lcd.drawFastHLine(1, x, 245, ILI9341_BLACK);

//    drawFastHLine(uin86_t x0, uin86_t y0, uint8_t length, uint16_t color);
  lcd.drawFastHLine(1, y, 245, ILI9341_WHITE);                    // draw baseline   24 hour lowest reading
  y = 200 - ((maximum - 985) * 2);
  lcd.drawFastHLine(239, y, 6, ILI9341_YELLOW);                   // draw marker tic 24 hour highest reading

void drawLegends( void )
  // Legends and axis for display
  // Atlanta: High = 30.79 on 1/6/1924	Low = 29.08 on 1/11/1918
  // 2X scaling: 1040 - 1026 = 14 x 2 = 28 pixels
  lcd.setCursor(240,  84); lcd.print("_ 1040= 30.71");            // setup Y legends
  lcd.setCursor(240, 112); lcd.print("_ 1026= 30.30");
  lcd.setCursor(240, 140); lcd.print("_ 1012= 29.88");
  lcd.setCursor(240, 168); lcd.print("_  998= 29.47");
  lcd.setCursor(240, 194); lcd.print("_  985= 29.09");
  // tiny fonts for timeline legend @53 char/line (6px/char)
  lcd.setCursor(0, 205); lcd.print("N        ^         ^         ^         ^  Historical ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 213); lcd.print("O        0         1         1         2  Timeline   ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 221); lcd.print("W        6         2         8         4  In Hours   ");
  lcd.drawFastVLine(0,  88, 112, ILI9341_RED);                    // setup Y axis
  lcd.drawFastHLine(0, 200, 238, ILI9341_RED);                    // setup X axis
  lcd.drawFastHLine(0, 201, 238, ILI9341_RED);                    // setup X axis double-width X axis for emphasis
} (33.3 KB)

Zip attached is for Maple Mini STM32F1 series.

1 Like

No, I know how to use millis() normally. I mean for an array. I have no idea how to make a array with millis().

I think your understanding of programming to avoid "blocking" may be incorrect.
A well written, "conventional" sketch really does not require a great deal of effort to avoid blocking. More advanced techniques apply to more complex programming solutions: how to acquire data without just sitting and waiting, how to send data only after you have data to send, and so forth.
Even "blocking code" is not automatically bad code; if your sketch do not have something to do until you type an input value on a keypad, that is acceptable to start with a blocking program and transition to non-blocking later.

I have tested the code (making changes for the relevant hardware I have - a BME680, and a different screen).
I have one question:
What would cause the white graph lines that display the data to only flash onto the screen before being replaced by black? I can post a vid if you need it.

I do know how to make a code non-blocking. I need this code to be non blocking simply because I need the seconds from my RTC to be displayed every second. If I put delay(600000) for example in my code, the seconds will only be updated every minute.
I have many programs that are blocking. For quite a lot of applications blocking code is great, however this code needs to be non-blocking.
My sketch is constantly checking and updating the time, humidity, temperature, pressure, and (when my modules arrive in the post) it will be checking for incoming data over "radio" from another board outside that is checking the outside weather data. That's quite alot to check within a second, so I can't use delays!