How does the final circuit design look for my foosball scoreboard application?

I am less familiar with electronics and the hardware side of these projects, so I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look and let me know if something stands out as incorrect!

Here is my project. It is using 2 laser diodes (5mW 650nm) and 2 photo-resistors that send an analog signal that will change when the ball breaks the laser:

I basically began by creating this tripwire project:

and then duplicated the laser/sensor part in parallel (as well as the Bluetooth unit). I guess my main concern is around whether or not I have to worry about the voltage amounts since I've put additional sub-circuits in parallel. All sensors and Bluetooth communication is working correctly with my Android application, my main concern is whether or not I am okay leaving this on for longer periods of time (running off of 9V).

The whole thing stands out as incorrect.

Please draw a proper circuit diagram and post it in the forum, rather than a piece of Fritzy spaghetti on an external link.

There are just a few issues with Fritzings:

  1. the components drawn often bare little to no resemblance with components actually used.
  2. it's impossible to follow how wires are connected.
  3. components are usually unmarked.
  4. pin labels are unreadable, if present at all.

So please scrub your computer of Fritzing and install a real schematic drawing program, such as KiCAD or EagleCAD, and use that to draw up the circuit.