You do ofcourse use a separate 5volt supply powering the relay board, with JD-VCC jumper removed.
And have the Arduino connected to VCC and relay inputs only.
No connection between Arduino ground and relay ground.
That way you will have an extra layer of (opto) isolation.
Yes I have them hooked up just like this.
If you need to switch any relay faster than 2Hz, forget it, it may not be the contacts that suffer but you have fatigue in the mechanical parts of the relay.
I have the system set up switching at times in 500ms pulses, so 500ms ON / 500ms Off is that 1 cycle so 1Hz or is that already two switches so 2HZ?
It says that it can switch 10,000,000 times but that would be over in a couple months at that rate.
If you are switching AC, use a SSR, no brainer.
It seems that I bought the wrong equipment for this project. The reason I get these relay boards is because of the 10 AMP rating. The only SSR boards I have foudn have much lower current limits. I will look around.
If you are using mains powered LED lamps, that is direct mains to the lamp, have you checked that the lamp is happy with pulsing the mains?
The lamp will have a SMPS built into its base and may not respond to pulsing supply.
I just figured that would be ok but now will see if I can find a picture of the bulb.
Yea, relays aren't designed to be switched so often! You can use SSR, but those are rather pricey.
That seems to be the consensus. Thanks for confirming.
It will switch 10 times a sec at around 1 amp you'd be good
I assume you are talking about the SSR. I will investigate. Thanks.