How many Things per Device ?

I want to use a private Lora gway that will be connected on "1 side" to the Arduino IoT cloud portal via Internet and that will gather on the "other side" all data from remote Lora nodes.
So, I will have 1 device (the gateway) with many associated Things (data from remote Lora odes).

Therefore I have 1 question : is there a maximum number of Things that can be associated to 1 single device ? (in my scenarion I may need 80 things associated to 1 single device).

There are various ways to "address" things. You can address, communicate with, or control, millions of things over the Internet! (Actually, billions or trillions.)

Or with the right hardware you can call any cell phone in the world!

Hello. Thanks for your answer but my question is about the Arduino IoT cloud : can I associate 100 Things (in the Arduino IoT Cloud environment) to one single device (still on he Arduino IoT Cloud platform) ?

I think the answer to you question is 1 Device can be associated with 1 Thing at a time and vice versa.

But if your Thing could serve as a hub/bridge for any number of sub-Things, then your sub-Things could share the Thing cloud variable space. Thing and sub-Things can have their own dashboards and everything is happily equivalent to lots of Things.

It then would then get down to how many variables and dashboards you account provides.

If the Thing were something like a Raspberry Pi, this would be pretty simple to do.

Hi Robert.
I think that my question were not clear enough... because all answers/advises I received don't answer.
The point is specific to the "Arduino Cloud IoT".
Today, I'm using the Ardunio Cloud IoT , the Free option. I have created 1 Thing (1 devices), with 5 clouds variable.

In the future, I want to have 1 Thing (1 device)... with 100 Cloud variables.

I have seen that it is possible to have unlimited number of Cloud Variables with the Marker Price Plan.
How many variables can I use in one Thing? – Arduino Help Center

So, I've got my answer.

Thanks for your answer !

It sounds like the Maker Plan is the right answer. I'm very happy with mine.

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