How much would this cost to make? neopixel ring

Im looking for something like this with exactly the same light pattern in blue:

Need it to be 5v and with a 32 LED ring.

About how much would this cost?
And where can i go to get step by step instructions to build this?

If anyone can do this for me, let me know and how much it costs.

Thanks for reading.

Is 32 important? would 60 work as well? They exist fully made with 60 pixels. Color is software controlled so can be what you want.

If this is your first Arduino / NeoPixel project, it's a little ambitious.

There are numerous NeoPixel ring projects on the web with instructions. Google some and decide what you want to do (excellent link, by the way -- I really liked it). I'm sure someone here can give more specific step-by-step guidance once you choose the project.

But you might want to start by contacting the publisher of that video.


Thanks fellas.

Yes it has to be 32 leds. because of the size im working with.
I already found some on ebay.

Ive looked online for instructions and i think i can figure it out. I just need the code for that exact light pattern.
I contacted the maker of the video but he was very vague and only replied once.

Thanks for the help guys.

For this: fifty bucks.

  • I would write the code for a 24-pixel ring (which is what I have). Changing it to 32 would be a matter of altering one const variable.
  • the code would be hosted on github with an "unlicense" license - effectively making it public domain
  • pay me via paypal after you have the code and are satisfied with it.
  • I prefer not to provide ongoing support for sketches I do on this forum. If you get this, it works, you pay for it, that's the end of the matter for me.

Actually - here it is. If you decide that this is what you wanted and use it, kindly drop fifty bucks into my paypal . Heck - make it 20.

Wow! Thats awesome Mr Murray!
Thank you very much!

Ok, ill have to order the parts, hopefully that wont take too long.
And Yes, i will need it for exactly 32 pixel ring.
What should i change on the code?

Do you recommend i get an Arduino Uno or Arduino Pro trinket?
Any suggestions?

If this code works, ill gladly send you the $20 as soon as possible.
I have another project in the works.
I might need more help soon with another code.

But thanks again. Greatly appreciate it!

Send him $50. He's giving it away at $20. Hell, at $50 you're still getting a great deal.

And Yes, i will need it for exactly 32 pixel ring.
What should i change on the code?


const int NUMPIXELS = 24;

You can also change the other constants to alter the colour and the cycle time.

Do you recommend i get an Arduino Uno or Arduino Pro trinket?
Any suggestions?

No sugestions - I did this on an Uno with my 24-pixel ring, worked fine.

The length of the tail is fixed to being half the pixels. Oh - there's a coding error. This

float bright = (i / (float)NUMPIXELS);

Should be

float bright = (i / (float)(NUMPIXELS/2);

I'll fix it now … ok, fixed.

Another adjustment that might be fun to play with would be gamma correction.

This line:

bright *= bright;

Squares the brightness, which imposes a gamma of .5 (or 2, depending on which way you look at it).

You can have an arbitrary gamma with
bright = pow(bright, GAMMA);
make GAMMA a const float varying between 0 and infinity. no gamma is equivalent to GAMMA = 1.

(another brightness adjustment is exponential decay - bright = exp((bright-1)*DECAY); - a decay value of 3 produces a nice result on my setup)

Compicated stuff potentially takes a while to compute, and I would be inclined to precalculate the tail colours in setup() and stuff them into an array. But, the chip is fast enough if this is all that it's doing, so meh. Come to think of it - this would be a nice application for my control some neopixels using an android tablet over bluetooth (demo here) setup.

Sure, i can send you $50.
I'll be needing more help in the near future anyways. Plus this will be a huge learning experience for me for future projects.

Thanks for the correction edit Mr Murray.
I dont think ill be messing with the code any since im afraid ill mess it up! lol

But ill keep you posted and contact you if i would like any changes.

But ill keep you posted and contact you if i would like any changes.

I'm afraid you may have missed the last point in my first response (#4 on this thread). Be sure that it works for you before you send me the payment, because as far as I am concerned that means that you have accepted the work. If it doesn't work for you, don't pay me.

Not trying to be a d*ck, but I have been programming for a few years now and this is the kind of thing that happens. Before you know it, you have been corresponding back and forth for a week or more with someone trying to make their stuff go. I have a day job where I am expected to provide ongoing support for the stuff I write. If I have to do that, then it's not a hobby, it's a job.

If you want changes, you should perhaps post a new thread on this board asking for someone to do them. The code is public domain and available on github - anyone can "fork" it and do their own work on it.

Note to all the young-uns and newbies looking to make a career in contracting and computing: you have to set boundaries. If you don't respect your boundaries, then other people won't. Why not? Because they need stuff. They need stuff, and so they do what they can to get the stuff they need. I explicitly said "I prefer not to provide ongoing support for sketches I do on this forum", and straight away the client is all "I'll contact you if I want changes". This always happens. You need to be able to say 'no'. It's a lesson that applies to a lot of things in life.

I thoroughly recommend this guy's youtube channel.

I'm always in a sort of dilemma about to handle the requests here.
I don't do odd jobs for (pocket) money, but I like to help out from time to time to focus the requirements etc., and I take a great interest when the project concerns something that I actually want to do myself at some time. For example, I spent quite a few hours helping some guy from Poland to get his Nixie clocks working via the forum and also PM's.
But also I don't want to interfere too much when a sort of commercial relationship appears to be developing between posters.
I just hope it always remains friendly here.

So, I'm coming at this from a slightly different perspective.

I agree with what both of you (Paul & 6v6gt) say, but I also do small projects and offer ongoing support. I find that you have to go into it with the mindset that you making a commercial offering, not doing it as a hobby. As soon as you take someone's money, you have set expectations in their mind that you have to live up to and their expectations don't always match yours. This is why some programmers on this board make the "buyer" sign a document that spells out what will be provided and when and for how much, etc.

I take a more informal approach for small projects and I provide a limited amount of support before I draw the line. I do this because I realize that I'm often dealing with people not experienced with software and hardware. So just giving them some software and saying "done" won't work for them. If they run into even a minor problem, they probably won't be able to solve it on their own. This is why I have to offer at least a minor amount of support to make sure they get their project running properly. It's also why I price only the very simple jobs for $25 or $50: I'd end up working for minimum wage if I wasn't careful.
For larger projects, I send a document that spells out what will happen when and at what stages I expect to be paid.

I don't want this to sound accusatory by any means, I'm trying to point out that I've seen a lot of what can go wrong and that's why I approach it differently. It can be very hard to be sure that you and the person you're working with are on the same page when your only interface is a computer screen.

I really like working in the Arduino community. The value it offers is huge: I recently wrote a short sketch that took me literally less than five minutes, but it allowed someone to get far more value from machinery that cost thousands of dollars than he was ever able to before. That's the real power of Open Source Hardware and why this community excites me so much.

Oh ok, sure no problem Mr Murray. I guess i didnt catch that last part.
Its cool. I totally understand

I'll check the code when i get the parts in. If it works, you get the money. If it doesnt you dont get it. simple as that. I like simple.

Still, I greatly appreciate your time for doing this.

… I realize that I'm often dealing with people not experienced with software and hardware. So just giving them some software and saying "done" won't work for them. If they run into even a minor problem, they probably won't be able to solve it on their own.

Yeah, I took too hard a line. I don't know what I was thinking - bad mood or something.

Say, do you have a paypal receipt number for that 20 bucks? Most recent payment I have from anyone was back in June, as far as I can see. Maybe I need to search for the actual transaction id.