How to abort uploading in Arduino IDE?

When uploading code often we got :

avrdude error: programmer is not responding

Is it a way to say "Ok, stop it here"?
I tried ESC and CTRL+C but I have to wait until 10 attempt or close the IDE and restart in order to try again.
Is it a way to stop from the IDE without kill it externally (like in console)?
Version: 2.1.0
OS: Ubuntu

The only way it works for me is to close the IDE. The software comes back with the same sketch etc when restarted. This is much faster then waiting for the 10 tries.

Yes that's what I do too, look like the IDE do not have that option.
But would be nice to have that, so Arduino team that's your turn to play! :wink:

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The request was (already) logged on github: Allow user to terminate compilation and upload processes · Issue #1199 · arduino/arduino-ide · GitHub


Try unplugging and re-plugging the USB. Listen for the OS "insert" sound. Try uploading again.

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