How to actually create the library files .h and cpp.?

Hey guys.

Maybe this is a stupid question, but i want to begin with libraries and can't seem to find out how to create the .h and cpp. files? I'm following the toturial here: It states which files should be created (worked with libraries already, so i know how to install and use them) and how to write it. And it's not an option when saving from Arduino as far as I can see. Please help :slight_smile:


Maybe this is a stupid question, but i want to begin with libraries and can't seem to find out how to create the .h and cpp. files?

Use your favorite text editor. It isn't rocket science. They are just text files.

I use notepad++ as it has syntax highlighting and can show 2 files (.h .cpp) side by side..

use save as ... to give the file its name on disk...

Well, then it was a stupid question :blush:. Thanks for the rapid feedback guys :).

Questions are never stupid, not asking them is...:wink: