This has to be super simple but I can't figure it out. Trying to use LiquidMenu library with I2C LCD 20x4. Anyone know how to edit the LiquidMenu_config.h file to switch to I2C?
Here's the Config File
Configuration file for LiquidMenu library.
Contains global constants the configure the size of some of the arrays
used in the library, also configures the debugging messages.
#pragma once
#include "LiquidMenu_const.h"
// Select a "LiquidCrystal" library:
// ---------------------------------
* @name Select a "LiquidCrystal" library
* @{
* @name Arduino's parallel "LiquidCrystal" library
* @{
/// Wrapped library ID
//#ifndef DisplayClass
/// Name of wrapped library's class
// #define DisplayClass LiquidCrystal
* @name I2C library
* @see
* @{
#ifndef DisplayClass
#define DisplayClass LiquidCrystal_I2C
* @name Some other library
* @{
// #include <LIBRARY_HEADER.h>
// #ifndef DisplayClass
// #define DisplayClass LIBRARY_CONSTRUCTOR
// #endif
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/// Configures the number of available variables per line.
const uint8_t MAX_VARIABLES = 5; ///< @note Default: 5
/// Configures the number of available functions per line.
const uint8_t MAX_FUNCTIONS = 8; ///< @note Default: 8
/// Configures the number of available lines per screen.
const uint8_t MAX_LINES = 12; ///< @note Default: 12
/// Configures the number of available screens per menu.
const uint8_t MAX_SCREENS = 14; ///< @note Default: 14
/// Configures the number of available menus per menus system.
const uint8_t MAX_MENUS = 8; ///< @note Default: 8
* Enable/disable hiding the focus indicator.
* When enabled the focus indicator will disappear for one step after
* completing an iteration through the focusable lines. When disabled the focus
* indicator will go from the last focusable line directly to the first
* focusable line without disappearing (i.e. it will be always visible).
#define LM_FOCUS_INDICATOR_GHOSTING true ///< @note Default: true
// Turns the debugging messages on or off.
#define LIQUIDMENU_DEBUG false ///< @note Default: false
Here's the Arduino file I'm trying to compile (example from LiquidMenu library) which is giving an error.
* LiquidMenu library - I2C_menu.ino
* IMPORTANT: To configure the library for I2C connection define I2C
* as "true" in the "LiquidMenu_config.h" file.
* This is the "hello_menu" example configured for I2C connection.
* The difference in using an I2C display library instead of the
* official LiquidCrystal library is that void LiquidMenu::init()
* method needs to be called in setup() after the I2C display library
* is initialized. The other difference is that I2C needs to be defined
* as "true" in the "LiquidMenu_config.h" file.
* The circuit:
* - PCF8574 module SCL to Arduino pin A5
* - PCF8574 module SDA to Arduino pin A4
* - PCF8574 module VCC to Arduino 5V
* - PCF8574 module GND to Arduino GND
* Created March 27, 2017
* by Vasil Kalchev
#include <Wire.h>
// The I2C LCD library
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
// The menu wrapper library
#include <LiquidMenu.h>
// The I2C LCD object
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4);
* Variable 'analogReading' is later configured to
* be printed on the display. 'lastAnalogReading'
* is used to check if the variable has changed.
const byte analogPin = A1;
unsigned short analogReading = 0;
unsigned short lastAnalogReading = 0;
* Variables used for periodic execution of code. The first one is the period
* in milliseconds and the second one is the last time the code executed.
unsigned int period_check = 1000;
unsigned long lastMs_check = 0;
unsigned int period_nextScreen = 5000;
unsigned long lastMs_nextScreen = 0;
* LiquidLine objects represent a single line of text and/or variables
* on the display. The first two parameters are the column and row from
* which the line starts, the rest of the parameters are the text and/or
* variables that will be printed on the display. They can be up to four.
// Here the line is set to column 1, row 0 and will print the passed
// string and the passed variable.
LiquidLine welcome_line1(1, 0, "LiquidMenu ", LIQUIDMENU_VERSION);
// Here the column is 3, the row is 1 and the string is "Hello Menu".
LiquidLine welcome_line2(1, 1, "Hello Menu I2C");
* LiquidScreen objects represent a single screen. A screen is made of
* one or more LiquidLine objects. Up to four LiquidLine objects can
* be inserted from here, but more can be added later in setup() using
* welcome_screen.add_line(someLine_object);.
// Here the LiquidLine objects are the two objects from above.
LiquidScreen welcome_screen(welcome_line1, welcome_line2);
// Here there is not only a text string but also a changing integer variable.
LiquidLine analogReading_line(0, 0, "Analog: ", analogReading);
LiquidScreen secondary_screen(analogReading_line);
* The LiquidMenu object combines the LiquidScreen objects to form the
* menu. Here it is only instantiated and the screens are added later
* using menu.add_screen(someScreen_object);. This object is used to
* control the menu, for example: menu.next_screen(), menu.switch_focus()...
LiquidMenu menu(lcd);
void setup() {
pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
// This is the I2C LCD object initialization.
// Menu initialization.
// This is the method used to add a screen object to the menu.
void loop() {
// Periodic reading of the analog pin.
if (millis() - lastMs_check > period_check) {
lastMs_check = millis();
analogReading = analogRead(analogPin);
* Check if the analog value have changed
* and update the display if it has.
if (analogReading != lastAnalogReading) {
lastAnalogReading = analogReading;
// Periodic switching to the next screen.
if (millis() - lastMs_nextScreen > period_nextScreen) {
lastMs_nextScreen = millis();
In file included from /Users/gamaloacres/Documents/Arduino/libraries/LiquidMenu/src/LiquidMenu.h:47:0,
from /private/var/folders/0g/l_pzvy5s0xnc_tt974xf28s40000gn/T/.arduinoIDE-unsaved2024723-8543-pm7dwl.ce5w/sketch_aug23a/sketch_aug23a.ino:32:
/Users/gamaloacres/Documents/Arduino/libraries/LiquidMenu/src/LiquidMenu_config.h:46:1: error: stray '@' in program
/Users/gamaloacres/Documents/Arduino/libraries/LiquidMenu/src/LiquidMenu_config.h:46:2: error: expected declaration before '}' token