Here is code that I used to connect a A02YYUW ultrasonic sensor with UART to my ESP32-WROOM-32E, Im just posting it because I had to spend a long time getting it working and wasn't able to find a good starting point really, there might be ones already out there but I was able to get this put together from research before I was able to find one. Anyway here it is.
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#define RXD2 16 // Connect the TX wire form the sensor to GPIO 16
#define TXD2 -1 // Replace the -1 with the GPIO pin you are using if you want to use the RX wire but it is not needed
HardwareSerial SerialPort(2); // Use UART2
unsigned long lastProcessTime = 0; // Last time data was processed
unsigned long lastPrintTime = 0; // Last time data was printed
const long processInterval = 95; // Interval for processing data (milliseconds)
const long printInterval = 1000; // Interval for printing data (milliseconds)
float mostRecentDistance = -1; // Variable to store the most recent distance
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Debug serial
SerialPort.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, RXD2, TXD2); // Initialize UART2
Serial.println("UART Reading Test");
void loop() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
// Check if it's time to process the next data point
if (currentMillis - lastProcessTime >= processInterval) {
lastProcessTime = currentMillis;
// Process data if available
if (SerialPort.available()) {
int header =;
if (header == 0xff) {
// Read the next bytes
if (SerialPort.available() >= 3) {
int high =;
int low =;
int checksum =;
// Compute distance
int distance = ((high << 8) + low);
// Convert distance to cm
mostRecentDistance = distance / 10.0;
// Clear any remaining data in the buffer
// Check if it's time to print the most recent data
if (currentMillis - lastPrintTime >= printInterval) {
lastPrintTime = currentMillis;
if (mostRecentDistance >= 0) {
Serial.print("Distance (cm): ");
if anyone knows of any better code that deals with that data in a more efficient way then posting it here would be appreciated. Also according to a write up I found it says that if you leave the RX wire disconnected i the sensor should default to a reading every 300ms, mine defaults to a reading every 100ms, whatever yours is just make sure that the process interval (in line 10 of the code, i have it set to 95ms) is slightly faster then the sensors reading interval otherwise readings will get queued up over time and it will take the serial monitor a while to actually print a change in distance. Hopefully this is helpful to someone because it should would have been helpful to me when I got the sensor a couple days ago.