How to connect common anode 7 segment display to arduino uno

Hi, I am really new to arduinos and circuits overall and I cannot figure out how to connect my 7 segment display to my arduino. I've made sure that it works and I know that it is common anode. I just cannot figure out how to get it to turn on when I connect it to my arduino.

I have the 5 volt going into the common pin of my 7 segment display. I've tried hooking it up into a 74HC595 but I still can't get it working. Thanks for any help you can give

DroneBotWorkshop does a great job showing how to do 7seg displays and HC595. His page has verbatim text accompanying his video.

Your 7seg display has a common anode and a bunch of cathodes. Connect the common anode to Vcc and connect each cathode to 330 ohm resistors (one per cathode) to the control pins your code wants. A LOW will light the segment.


How? I hope that you used a current limiting resistor.

Be aware of current limits of the Arduino (you don't mention which one you're using):

  1. 200 mA total through Vcc and GND of the microcontroller
  2. 100 mA per port; for an Uno pins 0..7 are one port, 8..13 are another port and A0..A5 are yet another port. Check the schematic of the board that your using (and the datasheet).
  3. Safe max. for a pin is 20 mA, absolute max. 40 mA.

When using the 74HC595:

  1. 70 mA total current through Vcc and GND of the 74HC595.
  2. Absolute max. 35 mA per pin; I would use 10 mA as the maximum.

It's never advisable to use the absolute maximum values. Hence it's better to use the higher value (470 Ohm) in the schematic that @xfpd provided; it would result in a current per pin below 10 mA.

Ive hooked it up straight into the 3.5v and the ground pins on my arduino (uno) and it lights up. ive used a 1k, and a 330ohm resister and they both work.

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