How to create a repeater station using arduino?

Right now I can send a signal wirelessly to my transmitter to the receiver using nRF24. But if I want to have the receiver transmit another signal to another receiver, how can I accomplish it? I am wondering if it is possible to extend the range of nRF24 like this. Can an nRF24 both receive and then transmit to a different nRF24? Thanks in advance.

The datasheet and application note usually give a good description of what the device can do.
Some older information

I will take a SWAG and say: You can set it up as a mesh network using information given by @oldcurmudgeon Or you can just add a second unit transmitting on a different channel.

When any nRF24 device transmits, all receivers in range will receive that transmission. The transmission message can be coded to tell any receiver to IGNORE that message. That is what you need to understand and program for.

Yes, that is how mesh networks operate. See the links in post #3.

Is there a way where an nRF24 can receive the signal, and then transmit it again? That way the range will be extended. Also, would you mind sharing me the code? I'm a terrible coder and I have no clue on how to program this

Only experimenting will show you that and if the environment changes, then the distance will also change. The frequency the nRF24 operates on likes to have a clear line of sight between the devices.

There are many examples of code if you will only look. Your project is not for someone with no clues! Get something working in the same room and then expand to where you are considering your project.

Here is a "how to".

And the preceding article..