How to deal with fake spam messages?

Apparently in revenge, one of my posts has been flagged.
How do the moderators deal with such deliberate false flags?
I myself am not able to react.
A report to the moderation is not possible, because I am missing the flag icon.

There will be no change of the post. It is only quotes from previous posts and the statement that I can not help the TO exactly for these reasons.

So how does the morderation deal with it?

>>System<< alone can probably not make any final decisions. Or does one leave that to an artificial intelligence?

This Post

[translate with deepl]

All flags are reviewed by human moderators.

[Mod edit: text deleted]

I have removed the some of the replies from this topic as I find them unacceptable in the forum. For the avoidance of doubt, I would have removed them whoever posted them if I became aware of them.

Please keep the forum polite.

@my_xy_projekt the flag you mentioned was dealt with by another moderator, I do not comment on or interfere with other moderator's decision unless the moderator in question requests I do so.

I thank you.


For me, the topic is over.
The TO has written to me yesterday evening despite privatized profile still via PM and his intention clearly presented.

That will be tolerated.
But perhaps it is simply due to a linguistic inaccuracy that the context is not recognized.

Thx - Bye

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