I need to use arduino uno to trigger 3 mosfet for my 3-phase interleaved boost converter. Can anyone help me for the code please??
What do you want the waveforms to be? What frequency?
What do you want the waveforms to be? What frequency?
i want 3 pwm waveform signal with 120 degree phase shift
i want 3 pwm waveform signal with 120 degree phase shift
You don't care about the frequency at all?
You don't care about the frequency at all?
how about the 100hz? can u show the code for 3 pwm with 120 degree phase shift?
byte phaseCount;
unsigned long currentMicros;
unsigned long previousMicros;
unsigned long elapsedMicrors;
void setup(){
pinMode (8, output);
pinMode (9, output);
pinMode (10, output);
currentMicros = micros();
previousMicros = currentMicros;
// 3phase, 100 Hz, rising or falling edge every 1664uS ( multiple of 4uS).
void loop(){
currentMicros = micros();
elapsedMicros = currentMicros - previousMicros;
if (elapsedMicros >= 1664){
phaseCount = phaseCount +1;
if (phaseCount == 6){ phaseCount = 0; }
switch (phaseCount):
case 0:
PORTB = 0b00000001;
case 1:
PORTB = 0b00000011;
case 2:
PORTB = 0b00000111;
case 3:
PORTB = 0b00000110;
case 4:
PORTB = 0b00000100;
case 5:
PORTB = 0b00000000;
Try that.
byte phaseCount;
unsigned long currentMicros;
unsigned long previousMicros;
unsigned long elapsedMicrors;
void setup(){
pinMode (8, output);
pinMode (9, output);
pinMode (10, output);
currentMicros = micros();
previousMicros = currentMicros;
// 3phase, 100 Hz, rising or falling edge every 1664uS ( multiple of 4uS).
void loop(){
currentMicros = micros();
elapsedMicros = currentMicros - previousMicros;
if (elapsedMicros >= 1664){
phaseCount = phaseCount +1;
if (phaseCount == 6){ phaseCount = 0; }
switch (phaseCount):
case 0:
PORTB = 0b00000001;
case 1:
PORTB = 0b00000011;
case 2:
PORTB = 0b00000111;
case 3:
PORTB = 0b00000110;
case 4:
PORTB = 0b00000100;
case 5:
PORTB = 0b00000000;
Try that.
when i verifying the code, this error come up:
_1:24: error: break statement not within loop or switch
_1:25: error: case label '1' not within a switch statement
case 1:
_1:27: error: break statement not within loop or switch
_1:28: error: case label '2' not within a switch statement
case 2:
_1:30: error: break statement not within loop or switch
_1:31: error: case label '3' not within a switch statement
case 3:
_1:33: error: break statement not within loop or switch
_1:34: error: case label '4' not within a switch statement
case 4:
_1:36: error: break statement not within loop or switch
_1:37: error: case label '5' not within a switch statement
case 5:
_1:39: error: break statement not within loop or switch
exit status 1
break statement not within loop or switch
Ah, I see the problem:
switch (phaseCount):
should be
switch (phaseCount){
Little typo.
Ah, I see the problem:switch (phaseCount):
should be
switch (phaseCount){
Little typo.
thank you very much CrossRoads.. it works!
but how to change the frequency?
Change 1664 here:
// 3phase, 100 Hz, rising or falling edge every 1664uS ( multiple of 4uS).
if (elapsedMicros >= 1664){
1/100 Hz = 10000uS / 6 = 1667uS, round to a multiple of 4
Change 1664 here:// 3phase, 100 Hz, rising or falling edge every 1664uS ( multiple of 4uS).
if (elapsedMicros >= 1664){
1/100 Hz = 10000uS / 6 = 1667uS, round to a multiple of 4
sorry i not get it. how about if i want to change the frequency to 20khz?
1/20000 = 50uS, 50/6 = 8uS.
So change 1664 above to 8.
Code might work, might not. 128 clocks between output changes, might be enough time.
Can change loop() a little too, this might help:
void loop(){
while (1){ // bypass main() and loop() stuff, should help run faster and with smoother output. Maybe.
currentMicros = micros();
elapsedMicros = currentMicros - previousMicros;
if (elapsedMicros >= 8){
phaseCount = phaseCount +1;
if (phaseCount == 6){ phaseCount = 0; }
switch (phaseCount){
case 0:
PORTB = 0b00000001;
case 1:
PORTB = 0b00000011;
case 2:
PORTB = 0b00000111;
case 3:
PORTB = 0b00000110;
case 4:
PORTB = 0b00000100;
case 5:
PORTB = 0b00000000;
} // end of switch
} // end of while
} // end of loop
after i try the coding in proteus software, the 3 signal is only separate with 60 degree phase shift (see the attachment) . how to get 120 degree phase shift different between each signal like this picture?
hi buddies
how to generate 3 pwm with 120 degree phase shift with 20khz frequency in arduino uno/Mega2560 ?
like this
hi buddieshow to generate 3 pwm with 120 degree phase shift with 20khz frequency in arduino uno/Mega2560 ?
like this
Does the Arduino have to do anything Else?
What is the PWM resolution are you need? 4bit, 8bit?
I don't see any way that Arduinos could support a 3 phase PWM at 20khz. Using Timer1, you could generate a single phase PWM.
They only way I could see this 3 phase being accomplished is to create external hardware that acts as a programmable delay line that is keyed off timer1.
@azeyzoul, do not cross-post. Threads merged.
Does the Arduino have to do anything Else?What is the PWM resolution are you need? 4bit, 8bit?
I don't see any way that Arduinos could support a 3 phase PWM at 20khz. Using Timer1, you could generate a single phase PWM.
They only way I could see this 3 phase being accomplished is to create external hardware that acts as a programmable delay line that is keyed off timer1.
i already have the output signal of 3 phase by using arduino uno with the help from @CrossRoads, i just need to modify it. i hope @CrossRoads will help me.
i already have the output signal of 3 phase by using arduino uno with the help from @CrossRoads, i just need to modify it. i hope @CrossRoads will help me.
I don't see you ever getting a 20khz three phase output.
A 20khz wave has a period of 50us. PWM a 50us signal with 8bit would need a resolution of 0.195us.
A 16mhz Arduino could execute 3 opcodes? hardly enough time to generate a single phase, let alone three phases.
20hz is possible, a thousand times slower.
If your khz was meant as hz, then it is possible.