i would like to make a CNC project and I've no idea what to buy.
Which Arduino Board (do i need addons to run 3 steppmoters?)? which stepp motors? Can I use one of this Stepper Motors - HobbyCNC ?
i would like to make a CNC project and I've no idea what to buy.
Which Arduino Board (do i need addons to run 3 steppmoters?)? which stepp motors? Can I use one of this Stepper Motors - HobbyCNC ?
each stepper needs 4 (or 2 depending on the motor) outputs. I think that puts you within the range of the mega. alternatively you could find some form of stepper controller.
So i can buy a Arduino Mega and 3 Stepp motors (4 outputs) and get started without any extra hardware?
No, you cant drive steppermotors directly from Arduino, they draw too much current.
At least if the steppers are big enough for drive a CNC rig.
The really easy solution would be to use 3 of these:
They would take a lot of the work for calculating the stepping sequences out of your Arduino.
You could use cheaper methods, just google "Arduino stepper motor"
Also you should check the RepRap project here:
And here:
The basic Arduino Duemilanove has enough pins to run 3 steppers (although you don't have many left for inputs or position feedback sensors if you do).
A couple of ULN2003 or ULN2004 chips will allow the Arduino to drive unipolar stepper motors very easily. See here:
(works well for me!)
Bipolar steppers need H-bridge chips instead (because each coil needs to be able to be driven in both directions), make sure you know which kind your steppers are.