Hi ChilliTronix.
Yes I too have one of those. I wish I could get my hands on the code too, it's nice but! Does'nt always display the right units like 470000R for 470K, etc. But for £8.00 what can you expect?
I have had a look for the code but can't find anything, it would be good to change, etc. Perhaps as it's been said, it's just not available, if it was mine would I give it away??
I have one of those as well - low cost, works well. I strongly suspect that it is a "knockoff" of this tester ("original" article):
The writeup is in german, but google translate will work ok on it; schematics, binary and source are available.
What I believe to be a followup to that article is here:
The following appears to be from the author's website - note that the link to the article he references is the "original" article, and not the second one; that said, I don't know if the revised schematics or PCB layouts (plus his notes) bear on the first article, or on the second:
Finally, here's a long thread on the "porting" of the above tester to the Arduino, by pighixxx:
Based on what I could see, though, pighixxx has recently updated his site, and in the process broke all of his old links. You might try to get in contact with him, or with others in that thread to find the source code for that port, etc.
Personally, based on that thread's comments, I would do a another re-port of the system, as the original port seems to have gotten broken or something toward the end of that thread. It might be best to start over with the original design, and fix any problems as you find them.