How to implement charging station

Hey there, i am working on a trashbin project that segregates trash and i plan to implement a charging station on top of it, so whenever a trash goes in the bin it would provide a charging time for the user.
Im wondering whether i need a separate microcontroller for the charging station and what components i need for it also..
im planning on using a 12v solar panel as the power source of the charging station..

And that charging station is what??? Do you have a detection system designed that detects trash?

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What happens when the trash bin lid is opened? It dumps everything else on the floor…?

Maybe start with some concept drawings, a schematic or electronic block diagram, then post those,

Provide links to all the components you’re considering.

What are you changing ? Tool batteries, phones, headphones, QI, USB, what ? Current and voltage specs ?

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If you are charging people , then you need to log transactions to deal with errors/complaints and see what you can legally do ,

Really you should charge before the lid opens , otherwise why pay ?

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