How to make my own board?

Hello everyone, İ need to make boards. İ have a project this project consist of arduino nano, df player mini and speaker. İ need to make these a lot of but like my board. I dont use the arduino and other brands. I wanna use my board with atmega328 or other things just you know. I think i can do this in pcbway but pcbway is so expensive. Do you have advice? what can i do?

Seems you are just discovering the world of electronics...

how many is "a lot" for you? 10, 100, 1000, millions?



You can't produce cheaper than Chinese fabs do.
If money is of any importance - use premade modules.

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pCBWay is also Chinese !

Whatever you design your board on , if you export as Gerber in a zip file JLC will take it , and they have offers for newbies

The postage is usually the highest cost. But as implied you could use modules and copper strip board to mount them on

if your board is equal to or smaller than 100mm x 100mm, on the JLCPCB website, (,
5 double-sided board cost $2.00.
I ordered 10 double sided boards and paid $5.00

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Hi, @faasasd

Do you have a schematic diagram to start with?
If you are going to use the 328 IC on its own, have you made sure you can program it either before putting it on the PCB or when it is on the PCB.

It may be easier to place header pins on your PCB and plug the Nano into it.
Have you looked at the Arduino Pro Mini?

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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I use EasyEDA (, a all in one software with part libs, pcb design and a direct order at lcsc. Works perfect for me.

I see Easyeda also have a good scheme with JLCPCB for building your boards and you reserve the parts needed whilst designing your board .

Good luck finding it cheap elsewhere, but do come back and let us know

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You can contact JLCPCB or RayPCB for price quotations.

What ever you do, start with a prototype on a bread board, then progress to a solder board. Only then consider designing a PCB layout and start looking for a manufacturer.

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