Hello, I recently had the opportunity to try working with Arduino and create a project using its capabilities. I'm new to this and new to these boards.
The idea of the project is to create a sensor that could measure the moisture in the skin. The idea is to make resistance measurements using two screw ends, pieces of steel, or something similar. I already found a program that could measure the resistance, but I have no idea how to connect these elements to the Arduino and how to make it measure by touching the tips. If anyone has solutions to this I would appreciate any ideas. Have a nice day!
No, that would SHORT the two screws together and you would ALWAYS get ZERO resistance! You must insulate the two screws from each other, and a fixed distance apart. Google for a voltage divider circuit for use with your Arduino. The two screws will be one resistor of the two making up the voltage divider circuit.
I believe they're saying that there would be a space between them and that space is filled by the users skin.
Probably. But useless unless the distance is consistent.
Agreed. I also don't know how ambient electrical signals in the skin would effect it either.
As the person above mentioned, the screws will be separated from each other when placed on the skin, they will directly measure the resistance of the skin. And yes, the distance will be fixed. It will essentially look like a infrared Thermometer only with screws instead of a sensor.
Your description of the sensor is confusing. First you want the moisture IN the skin and lastly you want to know the resistance of the skin. The two are vastly different. Screws will penetrate the skin and will measure the conductivity/resistance at that point.
Measuring the resistance of the skin is done with metal strips LAID on the skin.
Yeah you are right, they are different things, however, I had spoken to a science teacher and he suggested this idea, because basically the more moist the skin, the less resistance it has and vice versa.
Hi, @antonpechkin
Welcome to the forum.
Did the source also post a circuit diagram and explanation of the project?
Can you please post the code you have?
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Thanks.. Tom..
If you don't mind, I'll put the link where I got the code from (https://www.instructables.com/OHMMETER-USING-ARDUINO/)
I admit that this code won't really work with my plans, I just don't know conceptually how I can connect those two components together (arduino and screws that will be like resistors) because almost everywhere uses already known resistor values to determine the unknown, here, however, the situation is different
A common term is galvanic skin response, GSR. An internet search will turn up many examples of Arduino compatible sensors and probes.
What if it is raining?
Even better, take a cup of tea or coffe and relax sitting on the windowsill looking out the window, isn't that truly beautiful
I will require milk, but that is all. Maybe some toasted bread and warm butter, but no more. And some beans, a fried tomato and mushroom, but not a bit more. Add an egg or two, sunny, and a nibble of white and black pudding. If you have a spare rasher and bacon, that would do. Tea is all. It is a beautiful day.
This topic (different user) was seen here a few months ago.
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