How to move IDE completey to new Windows pc?

Can anyone give me some advice as to how to move my Arduino 1.8 IDE, including sketches, libraries and boards from my old Windows 10 pc to my new Windows 11 pc?
Thank you.

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did you try to copy?

probably easy to do it this way:

  • clean install of the IDE from the internet
  • clean install of the additional boards from the internet
  • copy over the libraries and your sketches (or a lazy approach, just download the libraries you need when you recompile a sketch)
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Not what I was looking for. I want to avoid having to remember what and where I installed libraries and boards from. But, thanks for replying.

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Not what you want to hear, but:

The "portable" feature available in the IDE 1.x would make this easy. IFF you had made your initial installation "portable" in the first place. :frowning: (Note that 2.x doesn't have this feature, yet.)

It shouldn't be too bad; Arduino is less scattered than many other windows apps.
You'll need:
Your sketchbook and libraries: Users/xxxx/Documents/Arduino
The application itself: /Progam Files/Arduino IDE (assuming v2.x)
The installed boards and such: /Users/xxx/AppData/Local/Arduino15

Sigh. Remember when the Arduino IDE was smaller (diskspace-wise) than most of the other IDEs out there?

I have used the portable install for some years now.

Not only can you easily back it up, just a regular copy to and external disk, its easy to move your complete Arduino IDE desktop setup acrosss to say a laptop for away from home working.

Thank you. I will perform what you suggested. I have not yet installed and transitioned to IDE 2.

All the libraries that you installed should be in the libraries folder inside your sketch folder. If you haven't installed any new boards then that sketch folder should be all you need to copy over.

Re-installing the boards is a good idea. You don't have to hunt for them. Just pick them from the boards manager.

Finding and copying your preferences.txt file might be useful, in addition to the sketch folder. But just copy&paste of the "additional board manager URLs" is most of the difficult part.

Thanks for the tip!

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