How to post code???

Been looking for a sticky or tutorial on this, but how do I post code in a post the right way, as is done in many other posts?

Click reply.
Click on the </> icon on the left hand side of posting menu.
You will be offered
[ code ] [ /code]

Paste you sketch as such:
[ code ] mySketch [ /code ]

Select it and hit the </> icon above the :slight_smile: smiley.

Or, you can hand edit [code][/code] tags round it.

Also best if when you copy / paste from IDE, hit control-T in the IDE first, which sorts out the indents.


Thank you so much for simplifying something so simple to begin with, much appreciated...

Been looking for a sticky or tutorial on this, but how do I post code in a post the right way, as is done in many other posts?

At the top of this discussion area page there is a sticky topic called "Topic: How to use this forum - please read." Did you read #7 below?,148850.0.html