How to read inputs via bluetooth

I am connecting an arduino to an Android device via bluetooth. I want the arduino to enter a different loop based on the input from the phone. I guess it would be the equivalent of a getchar function. What do I use?


You would use to get the chars. You would have to be a little creative if you want get multiple chars or words to be recognised. Try to just do the basic LED on/off test with chars "H" and "L" first, then build up from there.

Okay thanks. I'm giving it a try right now.

It isn't working. my code looks like this:

int beep = 0;
void setup()
	Serial.begin(115200); // connect to the serial port
void loop()
	beep =;
	if (beep = '1')
		tone(A4, 440, 1000);
		delay (500);
		tone(A4, 440, 1000);
		delay (500);
		tone(A4, 440, 1000);
		delay (500);
		tone(A4, 440, 1000);
		delay (500);
		tone(A4, 440, 1000);
		delay (500);
		beep = 0;

Instead of having periods when the buzzer isn't going, it just gives me a solid tone. Any ideas?

	if (beep = '1')

= is the assignment operator.
== is the comparison operator.