How to run two max7219 chips

My code

#include <LedControl.h>    //We cant do anything without importing a suitable library!

// Lets start with the pinouts to the Max72xx led driver
// *****************************************************
int v;
int m;

int seccountdown;
int seccountdown1;

int DIN = 12;              // Pin 1  on the Max72xx
int CLK = 11;              // Pin 13 on the Max72xx
int LOADCS = 10;// Pin 12 on the Max72xx

int DIN1 = 8;              // Pin 1  on the Max72xx
int CLK1 = 13;              // Pin 13 on the Max72xx
int LOADCS1 = 9;

int flashDelay = 110;      // delay in MS (100=1/10th second) 
int ledBrightness = 15;    // range is 0-15.  0=lowest, 15 = full power

// define the LedControl instance - if I want more I can setup lc2, lc3 etc
// ************************************************************************

LedControl lc=LedControl(DIN,CLK,LOADCS,2);
LedControl lc1=LedControl(DIN,CLK,LOADCS,2);// DIN, CLK, Load/CS, 1 = only one chip MAX chip attached.

void setup()                    
  pinMode(DIN, OUTPUT);        // once only, lets make the pins outputs 
  pinMode(CLK, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LOADCS, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(DIN1, OUTPUT);        // once only, lets make the pins outputs 
  pinMode(CLK1, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LOADCS1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LEDdo, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LEDxanh, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LEDvang, OUTPUT); 
  // take pins out of power save mode.  No updates otherwise. 
  for(int index=0;index<lc.getDeviceCount();index++) { 
  for(int index1=0;index1<lc1.getDeviceCount();index1++) { 
  lc.setIntensity(0,ledBrightness  ); //set the brightness 
  lc1.setIntensity(0,ledBrightness  );

void loop()                     // here comes the good stuff, the main loop!
  int row = 0;                  //Set the starting position
  int chipId = 0;               //This is not strictly reqd, but if using more than one display this will be needed
   int tenths;
        int secones;
   int tenths1;
        int secones1;
  // First lets display the hours
  // ****************************
 for (int seccountdown=20; seccountdown>=0; seccountdown--){
        tenths=v%10;                                         // Again divide by 10 and calculate the remainder
        lc.setDigit(chipId, row, (byte) tenths, false);       
        lc.setDigit(chipId, row+1, (byte) secones, true);    // True in the arguments activates the dot...
       delay (flashDelay);
        for (int seccountdown1=15; seccountdown1>=0; seccountdown1--){
        tenths1=m%10;                                         // Again divide by 10 and calculate the remainder
        lc.setDigit(1, row, (byte) tenths1, false);       
        lc.setDigit(1, row+1, (byte) secones1, true);    // True in the arguments activates the dot...
       delay (flashDelay);

The code is run, I want to use two max7219 chips so display 7 segment led with two value different
Please help me!!!!!!

You create two instances of LedControl (with dumb names - lc and lc1 (why not lc1 and lcd2?)). You only use one of them. Why?

#include <LedControl.h> //We cant do anything without importing a suitable library!

Sure you can! The MAX7219 has 14 registers. 5 of them them get written to in setup, 8 of them are the data registers, 1 for each column. Last one is NOP register, 0 here tells the MAX7219 to ingore the message, used when devices are cascaded/daisychained. You don't need a library to write into them. I never have. Here's a video I did of four MAX7219 driven by an Arduino, no library used, scrolling slowed down for filmability.