Hello All,
I have one Nano Every board and two MAX7219s connected to two 7-seg displays,
one 4-digit (lc1) and one 3-digit (lc2). In my declarations I have..
LedControl lc1 = LedControl(12,11,10,1);
LedControl lc2 = LedControl(7,6,5,1);
lc1 works fine but I cannot get lc2 to work. Do I have to drive all 7 displays from lc1?
I have them mounted on a PCB with the sets of displays 220mm apart. the Nano Every is close to the first Max with three lines going across the board to the other MAX. I thought I could do this with only three lines between them. Do I have to run another 10 wires between them and use just lc1?
Sorry forgot to add, I have in setup.....
lc1.setIntensity(0, 6); // 0 -- 15
lc1.shutdown(0,false); // wake up MAX7219
lc2.setIntensity(0, 6); // 0 -- 15
lc2.shutdown(0,false); // wake up MAX7219