How to send serial data from labView to arduino.

Hello Everyone,

I'm reading data(RS485) from a mass flow controller(by AALBORG Instruments) in labview via VISA. The data i'm reading is the mass flow. I want to send the received data .i.e mass flow from labView to Arduino board for displaying the data on an LCD.

I'm attaching the VI in which i have used VISA Write to send the data( mass flow) to Arduino board.

I'm unable to receive any data in my arduino.

I'm receiving an error message on the serial monitor of the arduino( with respect to the arduino sketch i have written).

I'm also attaching the arduino sketch.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


send.ino (363 Bytes)

if the Arduino Serial Monitor is connected the Arduino COM port how is Labview transmitting data to the Arduino?

Oh yes, to my shame i had not even thought about it. Thanks.
Now how do you suggest i read the string from labview into my arduino?


you require a second communications channel between the PC (Labview) and the Arduino, e.g.

  1. second serial port (see Serial basics) using a USB serial converter to transmit data from Labview to the Arduino - if the Arduno you are using does not have a second hardware serial port try SoftwareSerial
  2. use WiFi or Ethernet - I have used UDP and TCP to transmit data from microcontrollers to a PC running Matlab

Thanks a lot.
I'm currently working on CP2102 module(USB to TTL) to send data from labview to arduino.