How to upload code on Raspberry Pi Zero W

How can I upload code on Raspberry Pi Zero W by using Arduino IDE?
I choose the board from the board manager(Raspberry Pi Pico W), but I got on this error:

Resetting COM6
Converting to uf2, output size: 173056, start address: 0x2000
Scanning for RP2040 devices
No drive to deploy.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

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The first time you load Arduino SW onto an RPi Pico (W or otherwise), you need to manually put the board in bootloader mode by holding down the "bootsel" button as you plug the board into the USB port.
(after that, the sketches will have code that responds to the "Resetting COM6" procedure, and uploads should work automatically.)

Where should I found the bootsel with RPi Pico W? there is no button in this board.

I cannot select the port because it's hidden!

Top right labeled “BOOTSEL”

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So sorry, my board is Raspberry Pi Zero W
not Raspberry Pi pico.

I don’t think there is an Arduino core for that board. You can program it in C++ though.

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There is this one, but I've never tried it so I can't say how useful it is (the creator me-no-dev is very talented though):

Even though it is not formally documented, it does supposedly have support for the RPi Zero W:

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That’s encouraging. Then I wont give up on my search for MS-DOS that runs on Apple Silicon M3. :upside_down_face:

Seems a shame to try to use the Arduino IDE to program a board that runs full blown linux with surprising responsiveness.

I'm currently using the Pi Zero W as the controller for a DepthAI OAK-D-Lite 3D camera, and find the overall performance pretty astounding.

I used Arduino IDE with Rpi pico2040 and it works without any problem. but with Pi Zero W I do not have idea how can use it because the board name is not found and when select from the board manager(Raspberry Pi Pico W) the port was hidden !!

How did you use Pi Zero W with arduino ide, please?

That seems completely pointless, and I would not try. I use the Pi Zero W running linux, OpenCV and Python for projects.

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You can do it by using this boards platform:

Read the documentation at the link above to understand how to do that.

But please understand this is a very advanced thing to do. If you are a beginner with Arduino then you are probably going to have a bad time. Buy a more beginner friendly board to get started. I suggest the classic Nano:

Once you have gained some experience, and if you still think it is interesting to program the RPi Zero W using Arduino IDE, you can circle back to this project.

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Yes, Iam trying now.

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In fact I need to use pi zero w because it has SD card and high memory.

I apply the steps in this video []
But there is no board name pi zero w in board manager . :frowning:


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Do you have any info where I found wiring.c file?

Nice find! For the benefit of others reading this, I'll note that this video is specifically about the "RasPiArduino" boards platform I mentioned in my previous reply.

This is expected. They didn't add a separate board definition to the platform when they added support to the platform for the Raspberry Pi Zero W. So you'll need to select the "RaspberryPI B+/2" board instead.

It is here in the GitHub repository:

but it will be installed on your computer along with the rest of the platform under the cores/piduino/ subfolder of the platform.

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Ok, thanks.
1- When I select the RaspberryPI B+/2 the port will be hidden, why?
2- According to this link how can I update the lib " revision detection lib" ?
3- How can I complete this code
if (info.model == RPI_MODEL_B_PI_3 || info.model == RPI_MODEL_B_PI_2 || info.model == RPI_MODEL_ZERO || info.model == RPI_MODEL_ZERO_W) {

You don't need to because it was already done:

You don't need to because it was already done: