How to use temperature value of hotend of 3d printer in arduino

i am totally new in this forum, so i'm sorry if i opened this topic with some mistakes.
i want to make filament from plastic bottles. in order to do that i bought some components. i have 1 stepper motor nema17, mos module, l298n motor driver, a hothend which came from a 3d printer. my problem is i dont know how to use hothends temperature value in arduino. this hothend have 4 pins. 2 of them for vcc and gnd, and the other 2 is temperature. i couldn't figure it how to transfer this value to arduino.i tried connect that pins to analog pins in arduino but it gives mi random values.i attached two picture of hotends. i'm sorry if it asked before :pleading_face:.

3D printer hotends typically use a 100K NTC thermistor, and need a voltage divider to translate their varying resistance into a readable voltage, along with some code to translate the voltage curve into temperature.

Do you have any specifications on the thermistor?

Thanks for reply.
I didnt do any spesifications. its how i took from printer. is it enough to use 10k resistor. Did i understand correct?

There's a high risk those things are not compatible. Please post a link to the datasheet of the stepper.

Please post schematics showing the connections and voltages involved.

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Is it a thermistor? Does it have a resistance near 100K (or 10K?) at room temperature?

How do you have it connected?

Do you know the thermistor's Beta? or Steinhart-Hart coefficients? If you can measure temperature, you can fit them:

Working temperatures for PET would be around 250C, which is out of spec for cheaper thermistors.

Do you know which particular 3D printer the hotend came off of? That might give you some idea of what type thermistor you have.

Anet et5x

Looks like

points to:

GitHub - SkyNet3D/anet-board: This is a board definition which works in Arduino IDE 1.8.x for Anet Board targets. points to

which mentions:

which says it's configured for:

So maybe its a 100K thermistor intended for a 4.7K sensing resistor.

where that Marlin implementation uses this interpolation table:

thanks for all replies. that link helped me. I found a 10k resistor and use it exactly same with the link. And it worked. thanks a lot.

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