How use arduino to control a GND trigger

Hi, I am working on a project that uses a sound board that gets triggered when connected to GND. I want to be able to trigger it through the arduino without having to use an actual switch. I am not sure how to do this, any help would be great. Thank you so much.

Wire to a pin and write it LOW. That's ground.

Make sure you mind the current and voltage limitations. Since you didn't say anything specific about what type of thing you're connecting to I'll assume you're not looking for help with that.

Thank you so much. What do you mean about the voltage limitations?

Don't put too much voltage or current on a pin or you'll burn something up.

Do you know of another way of connecting it to GND then?

wrt suggestions above, the ‘safest’ solution would be putting an optoisolator before the input.

Effectively a switch to ground on the input, otherwise floating when not active.

You may even find the input on the sound board is already isolated, in which case, you’re ready to go.

The net result is that you want to avoid imposing voltages from either device onto the other unless you know exactly what’s allowed.

How would I know if this is the case?

It depends on the sound board. You're choosing not to divulge that information. So the help we can give is limited.

If you want to share some details about said board, this might or might not be simple. But nobody can tell you how to connect to a mystery.

Sorry, the board is the Adafruit Audio FX Sound Board. Thank you so much for your help.

If you're talking about the trigger pins then you can wire those directly to the Arduino pins. Write LOW to the pin to pull it low. Write HIGH to turn it off.

That won't fry my board?

  • I like relays, :older_man: .


The relay worked great. Thank you so much.

No it won't fry anything. Those are logic inputs. They're not taking any power.

If you were switching the power on and off you'd want the relay. But the trigger pins just need a digital signal from a digital pin.