HTML open two pages? and then login system?

Hi there everyone,

I have another little problem in the system that I am developing, summarizing'm trying to insert an HTML page to serve as the most before the main login page of the system, but using the code below which gets the two pages from the SD card it just opens both the same time one over the other did not understand and could not access the login page exit and open the page of the system, using the flag's manually forcing it to enter it opens a condition to a normally researched a lot about the ("Connection: keep-alive"); and ("Connection: close"); but unfortunately without success, any tips?

int flag = 0;

void setup (){

void loop(){

  if (flag == 0)   {

    if (StrContains(HTTP_req, "GET /index")) {
      client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
      client.println("Connection: keep-alive");
    else {  // web page request
      // send rest of HTTP header
      client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
      client.println("Connection: keep-alive");
      //client.println("Connection: close");
      // send web page
      webFile ="index.htm");        // open web page file
      if (webFile) {
        while(webFile.available()) {
          client.write(; // send web page to client
        flag = 99;

  if (flag ==99){

    if (StrContains(HTTP_req, "ajax_inputs")) {
      // send rest of HTTP header
      client.println("Content-Type: text/xml");
      client.println("Connection: keep-alive");
      // send XML file containing input states
    else {  // web page request
      // send rest of HTTP header
      client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
      client.println("Connection: keep-alive");
      // send web page
      webFile ="acesso.htm");        // open web page file
      if (webFile) {
        while(webFile.available()) {
          client.write(; // send web page to client
        flag = 0;
    //fim flag


Off you go to I'm sure that they can help you with the snippets.

If you do come back here, you'll need to tell us what HTTP_req is, and what it contains.

OK, code into HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Arduino Ajax I/O</title>
		strLED1 = "";
		strLED2 = "";
		strLED3 = "";
		strLED4 = "";
		var LED3_state = 0;
		var LED4_state = 0;
		function GetArduinoIO()
			nocache = "&nocache=" + Math.random() * 1000000;
			var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
			request.onreadystatechange = function()
				if (this.readyState == 4) {
					if (this.status == 200) {
						if (this.responseXML != null) {
							// XML file received - contains analog values, switch values and LED states
							var count;
							// get analog inputs
							var num_an = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('analog').length;
							for (count = 0; count < num_an; count++) {
								document.getElementsByClassName("analog")[count].innerHTML =
							// get switch inputs
							var num_an = this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('switch').length;
							for (count = 0; count < num_an; count++) {
								document.getElementsByClassName("switches")[count].innerHTML =
							// LED 1
							if (this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('LED')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue === "checked") {
								document.LED_form.LED1.checked = true;
							else {
								document.LED_form.LED1.checked = false;
							// LED 2
							if (this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('LED')[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue === "checked") {
								document.LED_form.LED2.checked = true;
							else {
								document.LED_form.LED2.checked = false;
							// LED 3
							if (this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('LED')[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue === "on") {
								document.getElementById("LED3").innerHTML = "LED 3 is ON (D8)";
								LED3_state = 1;
							else {
								document.getElementById("LED3").innerHTML = "LED 3 is OFF (D8)";
								LED3_state = 0;
							// LED 4
							if (this.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('LED')[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue === "on") {
								document.getElementById("LED4").innerHTML = "LED 4 is ON (D9)";
								LED4_state = 1;
							else {
								document.getElementById("LED4").innerHTML = "LED 4 is OFF (D9)";
								LED4_state = 0;
			// send HTTP GET request with LEDs to switch on/off if any"GET", "ajax_inputs" + strLED1 + strLED2 + strLED3 + strLED4 + nocache, true);
			setTimeout('GetArduinoIO()', 1000);
			strLED1 = "";
			strLED2 = "";
			strLED3 = "";
			strLED4 = "";
		// service LEDs when checkbox checked/unchecked
		function GetCheck()
			if (LED_form.LED1.checked) {
				strLED1 = "&LED1=1";
			else {
				strLED1 = "&LED1=0";
			if (LED_form.LED2.checked) {
				strLED2 = "&LED2=1";
			else {
				strLED2 = "&LED2=0";
		function GetButton1()
			if (LED3_state === 1) {
				LED3_state = 0;
				strLED3 = "&LED3=0";
			else {
				LED3_state = 1;
				strLED3 = "&LED3=1";
		function GetButton2()
			if (LED4_state === 1) {
				LED4_state = 0;
				strLED4 = "&LED4=0";
			else {
				LED4_state = 1;
				strLED4 = "&LED4=1";
		.IO_box {
			float: left;
			margin: 0 20px 20px 0;
			border: 1px solid blue;
			padding: 0 5px 0 5px;
			width: 120px;
		h1 {
			font-size: 120%;
			color: blue;
			margin: 0 0 10px 0;
		h2 {
			font-size: 85%;
			color: #5734E6;
			margin: 5px 0 5px 0;
		p, form, button {
			font-size: 80%;
			color: #252525;
		.small_text {
			font-size: 70%;
			color: #737373;
    <body onload="GetArduinoIO()">
        <h1>Arduino Ajax I/O</h1>
        <div class="IO_box">
			<h2>Analog Inputs</h2>
			<p class="small_text">A0 used by Ethernet shield</p>
			<p class="small_text">A1 used by Ethernet shield</p>
			<p>A2: <span class="analog">...</span></p>
			<p>A3: <span class="analog">...</span></p>
			<p>A4: <span class="analog">...</span></p>
			<p>A5: <span class="analog">...</span></p>
		<div class="IO_box">
			<h2>Switch Inputs</h2>
			<p class="small_text">D0: used by serial RX</p>
			<p class="small_text">D1: used by serial TX</p>
			<p>Switch 1 (D2): <span class="switches">...</span></p>
			<p>Switch 2 (D3): <span class="switches">...</span></p>
			<p class="small_text">D4: used by Ethernet shield</p>
			<p>Switch 3 (D5): <span class="switches">...</span></p>
		<div class="IO_box">
			<h2>LEDs Using Checkboxes</h2>
			<form id="check_LEDs" name="LED_form">
				<input type="checkbox" name="LED1" value="0" onclick="GetCheck()" />LED 1 (D6)

				<input type="checkbox" name="LED2" value="0" onclick="GetCheck()" />LED 2 (D7)

		<div class="IO_box">
			<h2>LEDs Using Buttons</h2>
			<button type="button" id="LED3" onclick="GetButton1()">LED 3 is OFF (D8)</button>

			<button type="button" id="LED4" onclick="GetButton2()">LED 4 is OFF (D9)</button>

			<p class="small_text">D10 to D13 used by Ethernet shield</p>

You could imbed the login page in a frame in the main page, or make a click link that would pop up the log in page in its own small window.

OK and some example so that I can build myself?

OK and some example so that I can build myself?

<a href="#" onClick="'','NewWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=290,height=270,top=,left=');">Put me in a popup Window</a>

OK I tried but did not work, why not open the ajax request