I have tried many times now to install esp32 from boards manager. i have tried to install the latest driver but it still won't work. Can someone help me? i use the Esp 32 on school projects so it's important. this is what the console says when i try:
Downloading packages
Failed to install platform: 'esp32:esp32:3.0.7'.
Error: 2 UNKNOWN: Get "http://downloads.arduino.cc/tools/dfu-util-0.11-arduino5-windows_386.tar.gz": EOF
Which version of the IDE?
Which operating system?
Drivers have no relation with installation problems of a board package.
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Note that I have assumed that you're using IDE 2.x.
I don't know what you are doing but it doesn't sound right. For an Espressif esp32 board install you need the following in the Additional Boards Manager
Then go into the Boards Manager and click Install on the 'esp32 Espressif' entry as seen in the attached pics. For general purpose esp32 work I use the DOIT entry as seen in the attached pic.
i use the newest version, 2.3.3
i have added everything additional that is required, but it still says that the download fails. does it matter that i run Arduino IDE on windows server 2019 maybe?
1. Open IDE.
2. File ---> Preferences and click.
3. A window will appear. Copy the following text in the box named:
Addtional Boards Manager URLs: and then click on OK button.
4. Tools ---> Board: -----> Boards Manager ... and click.
5. A window will appear. In the InputBox type: ESP32. The board package will appear and install it.
i have already done that, but it still won't work, i have even reinstalled the pc
School network? Firewall rules?
no that is the one i cant download
That would make sense, but since we are an IT class in high school we have our own router and internet that is not a part of a domain or anything like that just so we can use whatever we need
As a help in troubleshooting (it will not solve the problem), can you access the http://downloads.arduino.cc/tools/dfu-util-0.11-arduino5-windows_386.tar.gz in a browser?
Further I would not know what causes this.
i have tried that, but the file won't open. but thanks for trying, i'll ask the school to provide me a new pc then
The browser should allow you to download.
If you have access to a PC (e.g. at home), you can install the IDE and the board package there. Next copy the board package to a memory stick (or similar) and take it to the problematic PC and copy it there.
The location of the board package should be
that is smart, i haven't thought about that, thank you i will try that!