I can't select a serial port.

I'm running version 1.0 on windows XP, and I've got everything working properly, except for the fact that I physically cannot select a serial port. I go to Tools>Serial Port, but Serial Port is greyed out. I can't click on it. any help would be nice.

Take a look here: http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Windows#toc4

I've got everything working properly, except for the fact that I physically cannot select a serial port.

Everything working? Being able to use the serial port seems like a pretty big piece of "everything."

Did it work at one point and then stop working?

Have you installed the USB driver for Arduino? Without that you wouldn't get virtual COM ports created when you connect the Arduino to a USB port, and these are what the Arduino IDE uses.

Thanks, guys. I usually use a Mac for all this, but now I'm using an old computer that runs Windows XP. I'm glad that Arduino doesn't take up so much processing power. This thing is slower than an iPhone!