If you want to use vim extension for Visual Studio Code in Arduino IDE 2.X, you should do 1~5 steps at first time, and 2~5 steps at every time.(but except 1 step, all step is so easy)
1. Copy extension files
copy vim extension for VSC to Arduino IDE plugins path
and copy Indent Rainbow extension same way.
I use this extension just for reloading settings.json files
That's exactly what I need. Unfortunately, I can't follow your steps with success. I use Arduino IDE 2.2.1. My configuration directories don't look like yours. Here's what I have:
VScodium v1.84.2:
~/.vscode-oss/extensions> ls
To Arduino IDE 2.2.1, copy (Note: the path is different, as suggested here):
~/.arduinoIDE/extensions> ls
oderwat.indent-rainbow-8.3.1-universal vscodevim.vim-1.27.1-universal
After starting Arduino IDE, the Rainbow starts right away; the Vim plugin starts too, but with an error:
Activating extension 'Vim' failed: Cannot add property 0, object is not extensible
What do I have to correct? Note that I skipped step 4 (not needed any more?)
I am able to reproduce this error even when I install the "VSCodeVim" extension in Theia Blueprint, the demonstration application for the Eclipse Theia IDE framework. This leads me to conclude that it is an incompatibility with the Theia framework itself rather than the Arduino IDE implementation specifically.
I found this is already being tracked by the Theia developers here:
If you have a GitHub account, you can subscribe to that issue to get notifications of any new developments related to this subject:
And of course if anyone is able to find the source of the error in the VSCodeVim or Theia codebases, I'm sure the developers of those free open source software projects would welcome a pull request.